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12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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More purchasing power for low-income groups on Statia

Purchasing power in the Caribbean Netherlands rose once again in 2017. The median increase was highest for the inhabitants of St Eustatius at 2.6 percent.



Hours worked extra over and above the normal working hours and fully paid.


Wages paid for overtime

Wages paid in full for hours worked by the employee beyond the normal working hours.


Labour dispute

Ground for a strike, work interruption, employee exclusion by the employer, or a series of related strikes, work interruptions or lock-outs.


Socioeconomic status

Dossier page on socioeconomic status of migrants


Index of earnings

Index showing the development of the average wage earned, corrected for changes in the composition of the work force in the branch of industry, age, sex and kind of work.


Research on social networks in the city

research work on social networks in the city, family networks, influence of urban environments on life cycles


Trends biodiversity benthos Voordelta, 2004-2018

Trends in biodiversity of benthic animals in the Voordelta in 2004-2018 using Multi-Species Indicators (MSI).


Gross hourly wage

The gross monthly wage divided by 1/12 of the annual working hours. This is the hourly wage that would apply if the employee were to take the holidays and reduced working hours' compensation in equal...


More bankruptcies in April

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased.


Local government depends heavily on central government funding

In the Netherlands, the local government is dependent on the central government for almost three quarters of its income. In 2019, 27 percent of the local government's income consisted of its own...


Record number of enterprise births in 2019

In 2019, over 207 thousand new enterprises were established in the Netherlands, 23 thousand more than in the previous year. The number of enterprise births within one year has never been this high.



Situation of a person without paid work, who recently looked for work and is directly available for it.



Situation in which people find themselves when they are unable to find work or work due to an illness or disability.


Worker on call

Employee who is available for work on call and who does not have a fixed number of working hours.


Full-time job

An employee's job when he or she has a contract and tasks for a full working day and full working week.



The phenomenon that people without paid work, who recently looked for work and are directly available for it, can’t get a job.


Occupational health

Protecting and improving the health of employees when related to the relationship employees have with their work and working environment.


Pension fund

Fund recognised by law in which money is gathered for the insurance of pensions and any other early retirement schemes for people who work or worked in a profession, trade, enterprise, or branch of...


Economic contraction of 1.7 percent in Q1 2020

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), which is based on currently available data, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 1.7 percent in Q1 2020 relative to Q4...


Indian knowledge migration has doubled

In the period 2012-2017, immigration from India to the Netherlands more than doubled to over 8,600 annually. These are mainly knowledge migrants, with three-quarters employed in IT and information...


Direct wage

The regular payment in money that belong to the gross wage applicable for social insurance schemes plus the value of the untaxed vacation certificates and savings schemes, the employee’s contribution...


Flower exports down by over one-quarter in March

In March 2020, the export value of horticultural products such as flowers, plants, bulbs and nursery products declined by 22 percent year-on-year. The export of cut flowers dropped by 26 percent.


Trainees seek out new data sources

Our team was tasked with finding out how the dark web can be used to source information for new statistics on digital crime.


Investments over 4 percent up in July

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.4 percent up in July 2019 relative to the same month last year.
