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6794 results for CBS corporate news
6794 results for CBS corporate news

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Consumer price index (CPI)

The index reflects the price changes of a package of goods and services that are bought on average by all households in the Netherlands. Explanatory remarks: The package of goods and services...


Retail turnover almost up 2 percent up in January

The Dutch retail sector achieved 1.6 percent turnover growth in January 2019.


Economic impact of COVID-19

The recent coronavirus outbreak affects virtually all people in the Netherlands. Certainly, the effects will also be visible in statistics that are being produced by Statistics Netherlands in the...


Investments slightly up in August

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 0.2 percent up in August 2019 relative to the same month last year.


Sensor data improves flash estimate for inland shipping

Innovative research has been carried out to see whether data from Rijkswaterstaat’s Information and Safety System (IVS) can be used to improve the added value and production value of inland shipping...


COVID-19 impact on public health

The coronavirus crisis affects nearly the entire population of the Netherlands and will certainly be reflected in CBS statistics that are to be published.


Manufacturing output prices almost 4 percent down in March

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 3.8 percent down in March 2020 year-on-year.



In de veiligheidsmonitor hebben we aan een heel grote steekproef van zo'n 135 duizend mensen door heel Nederland o.a. gevraagd of zij slachtoffer zijn geweest van een misdrijf. Maarten Bloem,...


Government-related information management

About Government-related information management and the Open Government Act


Issue (securities)

The issuing of securities (stocks and bonds) by companies or government to attract new funds.


Historic drop in producer confidence

In April, producer confidence has plummeted to its lowest level since the start of the producer confidence survey.


Wage restraint

A reduction in the pay increases of contractual wages. The main reason is to use the money saved to create new jobs or limit reductions.


Financial leasing

All purchases of new or second hand material fixed assets that became available for production during the reporting year and will be used for more than one year, that were obtained through financial...


Intermediate consumption

The goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production, which are transformed into new products at the end of the process such as raw materials, semi-manufactured goods, services of...


International Trade in Services

Read more about the survey.


Raised state pension age curbs spending on benefits

In 2017, raising the statutory pension (AOW) entitlement age resulted in savings of approximately 1.7 billion euros. The situation after raising the entitlement age is compared with the entitlement...


More Dutch and European young adults living at home

In 2017, there were relatively more people in their late twenties living with their parents in the Netherlands than in 2010. This also holds true for most other EU countries.


Health insurance

Until 31 December 2005 Dutch health insurance was divided into a collective and a private part. The collective part was based on the Compulsory Health Insurance Act (ZFW) and the Exceptional Medical...


Institutions and projects

overview of external institutions using or have used CBS microdata in their projects.


Dutch exporters facing more trade regulations

Since establishment of the WTO in 1995, import tariffs have declined around the world. Exporters nevertheless have to comply with more and more regulations.
