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12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12904 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Fewer concerns over job retention among employees

Employees are increasingly less concerned about retaining their jobs; 24% in 2016 and as much as 34% in 2013.


Producer confidence recovering slightly

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers has recovered slightly in May.


House prices 6.6 percent higher in February

In February 2020, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 6.6 percent higher than in the same month one year previously.


Turnover accommodation and food services fell sharply in Q1

Accommodation and food services is among the sectors worst affected by the measures against the spread of coronavirus. In Q1 2020, turnover in this sector fell by 14 percent relative to the preceding...


Manufacturing output prices over 8 percent down in April

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 8.2 percent down in April 2020 year-on-year.


Manufacturing output over 1 percent up in September

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.2 percent up in September 2019 compared to the same month one year previously.Output increased for the first time since...


Collective labour agreement sector (CAO sector)

All enterprises and institutions active in the Netherlands are included in a collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) sector. The division into CAO sectors is based on the position of employees in...


Internationalisation Monitor 2020, third quarter

For the export of service traders the patterns in therein, the influence of GDP and distance, and the relation with R&D is described.


Car fleet growing faster than population

In January 2020 the passenger car fleet in the Netherlands stood at almost 8.7 million; this represented a faster growth rate than of the population aged 18 and over.


Zero or minimal alcohol consumption by 41 percent of adults

The Health Council of the Netherlands recommends zero alcohol or only up to one drink per day. 41 percent of the adult population complied with this guideline last yeat: 30 percent of men against 53...


Number of employed persons further up

Between July and September 2019, the number of people in paid employment grew by 8 thousand per month on average, reaching a total of nearly 9.0 million in September. In the same period, unemployment...


Economic picture less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in September is less favourable than in the previous month.


Increased R&D spending in 2016

R&D expenditure in the Netherlands in 2016


Sharp rise in green electricity production

In 2019, the Netherlands generated 18 percent more electricity from renewable sources than in the previous year. The increase was 11 percent in 2018.


House prices 6.5 percent higher in December

In December 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 6.5 percent higher than in the same month one year previously.


CBS opens its doors to share expertise on Open Data

Statistics Netherlands recently opened its doors to share its knowledge about Open Data with various authorities


More traffic deaths among people in their twenties and thirties

In 2019, a total of 661 people in the Netherlands died in a traffic accident. This is 17 less than in 2018, but the annual number of traffic deaths is still higher compared to the years 2012-2017.


From trainee to big data expert

My company’s expertise lies in the field of labour market issues


Exports up by 1 percent in July

The total volume of goods exports grew by 1.0 percent in July year-on-year.


Local government depends heavily on central government funding

In the Netherlands, the local government is dependent on the central government for almost three quarters of its income. In 2019, 27 percent of the local government's income consisted of its own...


Consumer confidence further down in May

In May, the consumer confidence indicator is further down.


Assessing Public Sector Productivity

A methodological study into the productivity of the Dutch public sector with calculations for the courts, public prosecution service and the police


Economic contraction of 1.7 percent in Q1 2020

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), which is based on currently available data, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 1.7 percent in Q1 2020 relative to Q4...


Indian knowledge migration has doubled

In the period 2012-2017, immigration from India to the Netherlands more than doubled to over 8,600 annually. These are mainly knowledge migrants, with three-quarters employed in IT and information...
