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6794 results for CBS corporate news

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Dutch producers reduce waste of raw materials

The use of raw materials in the Dutch economy was reduced by 14 percent in the period 2004-2014.


Consumer price index (CPI)

The index reflects the price changes of a package of goods and services that are bought on average by all households in the Netherlands. Explanatory remarks: The package of goods and services...


70 thousand unskilled young people are out of work

Of the 181 thousand young people aged 15 to 26 years who left education without a basic qualification, 70 thousand were out of work in 2019. Common reasons for not working include illness and...


Ellen - Director of Demographic and Socioeconomic Statistics

About Ellen - Director of Demographic and Socioeconomic Statistics



Dossier page on crime and immigration



International collaboration


Historic drop in consumer confidence

Consumer confidence has plummeted in April on account of the COVID-19 crisis.


Economic situation is improving

Economic situation is improving


Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing

Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing


Nearly 180 thousand jobs filled by Polish workers

In 2017, over 838 thousand jobs in the Netherlands were filled by foreign workers. Polish workers constitute the largest group, occupying nearly 180 thousand jobs.


Less cargo throughput in Dutch seaports

Overview of throughput in Dutch seaports in 2016.


More poverty in 2009

Poverty has grown in the Netherlands in 2009 and after a long period of decline, the percentage of poor children has increased last year.


World Data Forum: from data to policy

The first World Data Forum was held in Cape Town, South Africa from 15 to 18 January this year.



Background information to: Adequate measurement of the economy CBS studying issues around measurement of the new economy


Investments slightly up in August

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 0.2 percent up in August 2019 relative to the same month last year.


Identifying population movements using anonymised telephone data

Major metropolitan areas in the Netherlands routinely face the problem of sudden increases in crowding in town and city centres.


Economic situation stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is more or less the same in March 2016 as in the preceding month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that most...


Economic situation more or less stable

The economic situation is somewhat less favourable in March 2016 than in the preceding month.


Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years

Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years


0.1 percent economic growth

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the Dutch economy grew by 0.1 percent in the third quarter of this year relative to the second quarter. The growth rate is based on a first estimate with...


Economic growth in spite of declining natural gas production

The Dutch economy grew by 0.1 percent in Q2 2015 relative to Q1. Exports, investments and household consumption contributed in a positive manner, but the growth figure was pushed down when the...


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will invest in a new computer system: Spark.
