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404 results for technology
404 results for technology

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Number of hybrid cars continues to rise

Last year, 156 thousand hybrid cars were registered in the Netherlands, a fourfold increase relative to five years ago. They covered an overall distance of 2.5 billion kilometres. Last year, more...


Dutch use water more efficiently

Although the population and the economy are growing, the use of tap water remains stable. Measures taken to enhance efficiency have reduced the annual tap water use per capita by an average 0.7...


Expansion of maritime statistics: sea routes and cargo

Expansion of maritime statistics: sea routes and cargo


Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016

Productivity; labour; capital; growth accounts SIC 2008


Monitoring cyber security

This monitor offers an insight into the range and number of existing cyber security issues, and what businesses and individuals are doing to counter them


Urban Big Data Center Glasgow and CBS sharing expertise

an ever-increasing demand for urban data, and the production of new statistics using Big Data


The statistical process

Riding the wave of the digital revolution – starting in the 1960s – CBS began processing data electronically by means of computers.


CO2 emissions grow much faster than Dutch economy

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands grow faster than the country’s economy. In the third quarter of 2015, CO2 emissions were 6.8 percent up from one year previously.


Agricultural pupils in vmbo often switch sector when they move to mbo

One third of pupils in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) choose a different discipline when they move on to senior secondary vocational education (mbo). For vmbo pupils in...


Dutch government spends more on prisons and judicial procedures

Dutch government spending on public order and security amounted to 11.3 billion euro in 2007. This is 6 percent more than in 2006.


CBS and MU: sharing health data in a responsible way

Combining large data files may not only help Statistics Netherlands it could also contribute to scientific advances


Lower gains in life expectancy here and in the EU

Both in the Netherlands and in the EU, the increase in life expectancy is slowing down compared to previous periods. The largest increase was between 2003 and 2008. The Netherlands saw a relatively...


CBS, OCW and DUO launch Departmental Data Centre

the centre will address the growing need for information products in the policy cycle


Economic growth Eindhoven above average

Economic developments in Eindhoven over 2016.


NEV 2015: Energy in the Netherlands at a tipping point

NEV 2015: Energy supplies in the Netherlands have reached a tipping point.


Agricultural exports up by over 4 percent

In 2016, the Netherlands exported 85 bn euros in agricultural goods.


Number of road deaths stable in 2014

Last year, 570 people were killed in traffic accidents in the Netherlands. After a substantial decline by 12 percent in 2013, the number of traffic deaths remained stable in 2014.



About a quarter of pupils who leave school without a diploma returned to school in later years; some of them will therefore attain a basic qualification as yet.


The Digital Economy, 2007 (summary)

The digital economy 2007 (Dutch version). The English version will be published at the end of June 2008. However, the summary and conclusions of the publication are already available.
