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Economic situation deteriorating further in July

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has deteriorated further this month.


Unemployment down to 3.7 percent

Between July and September 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 22 thousand per month. Total employment stood at more than 8.8 million in September....


Rude behaviour mainly experienced by young women

In 2017, disrespectful behaviour was encountered relatively most often by women between the ages of 18 to 24 years


Statistics Netherlands, city of Eindhoven join forces to launch first CBS Urban Data Center

CBS and the city of Eindhoven have embarked on a unique joint project


Retail turnover 3.5 percent up in January

Dutch retail sector achieved 3.5 percent turnover growth in January year-on-year.


Season (leisure)

The summer period consists of 22 weeks in the months May through September.


Fewer bankruptcies in July

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has decreased again.


Slightly raised mortality during hot week

During the heat wave in August 2020, over 400 more deaths than average occurred, mainly among the elderly. Higher temperatures cause a rise in mortality, although the correlation is lower than in the...


CBS, Eindhoven launch first CBS Urban Data Center

On 22 September 2016 CBS and the city of Eindhoven launched the Urban Data Center/Eindhoven


Daily time use

Daily time use in hours and in % participation Time use, gender


Economy deeper in recession in June

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has still deteriorated rapidly this month. The economy has entered a stage of deep recession.


Sharpest drop in motor fuel prices since 2008

In March 2020, when the COVID-19 crisis erupted in the Netherlands, pump prices of motor fuels dropped by 6.1 percent on average relative to the previous month.


Economic contraction of 1.5 percent in Q1 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 1.5 percent in Q1 2020 relative to Q4 2019.


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54 percent of deaths in 2019 caused by cancer or CVD

In 2019, mortality in the Netherlands stood at 151,885. This is nearly 1,500 fewer deaths than in the previous year.


Prices of healthier foods rise faster

Prices of healthier food products have risen faster than those of unhealthier food products.


Weekly news release on bankruptcies

Weekly news release on bankruptcies


Status holders overrepresented in job-oriented practical training

Of all 12 to 17-year-old asylum status holders who received a residence permit in 2014, 15 percent were enrolled in labour-oriented practical training (PRO, praktijkonderwijs) on 1 October 2018.


Fewer weddings during the coronavirus crisis

The number of concluded marriages during the period week 12 to 20 inclusive this year was almost half of last year's number in the same period.


Palm oil imports on the rise again

After years of decline, Dutch imports of palm oil increased again in 2017; 22 percent up compared to 2016.


CBS Urban Data Centre/The Hague launched

innovative developments in the area of Sustainable Development Goals


Relatively high population growth due to migration

The Netherlands had nearly 17.1 million inhabitants on 1 Januari 2017, over 110 thousand up from 1 January 2016.


Transport and storage top sector export of services

In 2014 the total value of services exported by the top sector Transport and storage exceeded 22 bn euros.


Supplemental survey: Consumer confidence hardly changed

The supplemental measurement indicates that consumer confidence hardly changed throughout the month of June.


CO2 emissions sharply lower in first quarter of 2020

In the first quarter of 2020, CO 2 emissions were 8.7 percent down year-on-year.
