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3441 results for data visualisations
3441 results for data visualisations

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Hairdressers and beauty salons; turnover index, 2015=100

Hairdressers and beauty treatment; turnover development, index 2015 = 100 ontwikkeling naar bedrijfsactiviteit. SBI 2008


Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Supply, imports, exports, stock change and consumption Coal and coal products


Well-being here and now: environment

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Environment.


Well-being ‘later’: economic capital

Well-being ‘later’: Economic capital relates to what is needed to sustain the economy and meet the material needs of future generations. This includes physical capital (machines, tools, ICT,...


Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, type of vehicle, territory

Vehicle-kilometers Dutch and foreign vehicles, passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries, road tractors, special purpose vehicles, buses


Inflation lower on Bonaire, higher on St. Eustatius and Saba

In Q1 2024, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 3.5 percent more expensive than one year previously


Construction industry; turnover change, index 2015=100

Construction industry. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008) and company size (all companies, 10 or more employed persons).


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Provincial accounts; balance sheet by region

Provincial accounts, balance sheet by regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording' (BBV).


Provincial budgets; levies by province

Budgeted revenues provincial levies in millions of euros by province.


Municipal accounts; levies by region and size class

Realised revenues municipal levies in million euros and euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Production on buildings; price index 2015=100

Price indices on total output of construction, new and other construction of houses and buildings for the private sector and (semi-)public sector.


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price indices 2020=100

Price indices, number sold, changes and average purchase prices of existing own homes in the Netherlands


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 66-74)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 66-74) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 51-65)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 51-65) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 00-43)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 00-43) and countries.


Local intergovernmental org.; balance sheet per 31 December 2005-2021

Municipalities accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation ‘Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Life style; personal characteristics

Smoking, alcohol and drug use, being overweight, physical activity Sexual health, nutrition, giving informal care


Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

emissions to air, climate change, greenhouse gases, CO2, ozone layer air pollution, acidification, environmental accounts,


Health expenditure; revenues of health care financing schemes

Health and care expenditure Revenues of healthcare financing schemes; healthcare financing schemes


Distribution of well-being: accumulation

Recent data on distribution of well-being by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not distributed equally across all groups in the population. Favourable or...


Fact sheet International schools

A fact sheet on the expenditure by households and foreign governments on international primary and secondary schools (private schools) in the Netherlands, and the number of students and school staff...


Construction; value added, index 2015=100 and changes

Volume changes in construction, compared to the same period of the previous year and volume index figures, 2015=100


Supply and use by products of activity; National Accounts

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activities (CPA 2018)


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Partnerships for the goals. SDG 17 differs from the other SDGs. Countries, governments, business and civil society organisations must work...
