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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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Inflation at 8.0 percent in February according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 8.0 percent in February.


Business survey Netherlands, quarterly, seasonally adjusted

Business Survey Netherlands, production, turnover, profitability Economic climate, workforce, sector/branches, seasonally adjusted


Electricity; production and means of production

Production of electricity and heat. Input of fuels. Installed capacity. By sector, installation type and Combined Heat and Power.


Children with single parent three times more likely to live in MDU

On 1 January 2021, more than a third of all minors in single-parent households were living in a multi-dwelling unit (MDU), for example an apartment, ground floor unit or upstairs unit. This share is...


Water Accounts for the Netherlands

Compilation of Physical Supply and Use tables, Asset Accounts and Policy Indicators for Water 2018-2020


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); National Accounts

Data on the output components, final expenditure categories and income components of gross domestic products, annual data


46 percent more solar energy production in 2022

In 2022, energy production from solar panels rose by 46 percent on the previous year. This was mainly due to the use of new solar panels.


Dutch census has been digital for 40 years

Censuses are the oldest official statistic produced by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


International reference work covers diverse business statistics expertise

A truly international reference work, with 36 chapters covering the latest state of play in all facets of business statistics production.


Inflation rate 10.0 percent in 2022

Consumer goods and services in the Netherlands rose by 10.0 percent in price on average relative to the previous year. In 2021, inflation stood at 2.7 percent.


Unemployment rate remained 3.6 percent in August

In August 2023, 364 thousand people aged 15 to 74 years were unemployed. This is 3.6 percent of the labour force, just as in July.


Existing own homes; purchase price indices by region 2015=100

Existing own homes, price index 2015=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, region


Estimating illegal activities in the national accounts

This article explains in more detail the latest estimate of the illegal economy for reporting year 2021. Special attention is paid to the difference between income generated within the Dutch borders...


Inflation rate 9.6 percent in December

The consumer price index (CPI) was 9.6 percent higher in December than in the same month last year.


Inflation at 7.6 percent in January according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 7.6 percent in January.


Vacancy indicator

Vacancy indicator Manufacturing, construction, commercial services, SBI2008


Water Accounts for the Netherlands

Compilation of Physical Supply and Use tables, Asset Accounts and Policy Indicators for Water 2018-2020


Extraction, import and export of materials by continent; national accounts

Material flow accounts, environmental accounts, biomass, minerals, metals biomassa, metalen, mineralen, materiaalstromen, grondstof, halffabrikaat


Health, lifestyle, health care use and supply, causes of death; key figures

Birth, death, life expectancy, health and disease, use of health care services, education and labour market, costs of care, care providers


CBS carefully considers questions about AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere.


Flash estimate of inflation: December

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that CPI-measured annual inflation stood at 9.6 percent in December 2022.


Number of youth care recipients stable last year

In 2022, 467 thousand young people in the Netherlands received some form of youth care. This is approximately the same number as in the previous year. It means that 10.5 percent of all young people...


External migration; sex, age, marital status, country of birth; 1995-2020

Immigration and emigration and the administrative correctins in The Netherlands by counrty of birth, sex, age and marital status


External migration; sex, age, marital status and country of birth

Immigration and emigration and the administrative corrections in the Netherlands by country of birth, sex, age and marital status,


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items
