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12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Households characteristics in the Netherlands, 1 January 2014 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on households characteristics with reference person aged 15-64 years in 14 municipalities on 1 January. Commissioned by: the municipality of Arnhem.


National accounts of the Netherlands: time series 1969-2009

The new data for 1969-2009 can be accessed now.


More owner than tenant-occupied houses in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2007, the Dutch housing stock numbered 7 million units; 53 percent were owner-occupied, 42 percent were occupied by tenants. A small proportion of the housing stock is unspecified. In...


National accounts of the Netherlands 2012

The national accounts are the official overview statistics of the Dutch economy. These statistics play a central role in economic and monetary policy-making and policy analysis and are indeed the...


Who does the European Social Fund reach? Characteristics of participants in the Netherlands, 2015 (Dutch only)

Report and tables about characteristics of participants in projects implemented under the ESF and about the durability of the labour relationship after participating in ESF projects in 2010-2014....


Time use changes in the Netherlands: The analytical strength of a time-use module

This paper first summarizes the discussion around the construction of a household satellite account and then continues to present the extension of the Dutch National Accounts with a time-use module....


Concurrence of regulations and provisions within households in the Netherlands, 2011 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on the concurrence of a number of regulations and provisions in the field of social security, health care and education within households in 2011. The conditional formatting in...


Use of policy instruments by 'top' industry sectors in the Netherlands (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on the use by ‘top’ industry sectors of the following policy instruments in 2012: Incentive for research and development act (WBSO); Research and development deduction (RDA);...


Manufacturing output over 1 percent down in November

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.3 percent down in November 2019 compared to the same month one year previous.


The Circular Economy: starting progress measurement

The proposed monitoring system to track progress in the planned transition towards a circular economy.


Using big data to resolve humanitarian issues

The recent launch of The Hague Humanity Hub


Number of employed further up

In the months June - August, unemployment declined by an average 10 thousand persons to 426 thousand.


Nearly 200 thousand plug-in electric vehicles

On 1 January 2020, there were nearly 200 thousand registered plug-in cars including 107 thousand fully electric FEVs and 91 thousand plug-in hybrid cars.


Dutch Standard Classification of Occupations (SBC) 1992

The classification of occupations used by Statistics Netherlands until 2012 is based on type of work. In the 1992 classification the level and field of the required skills are the main criteria. The...


Manufacturing output prices 8 percent down in May

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 8.0 percent down in May 2020 year-on-year.
