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12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Estonia: limited trade volume with the Netherlands

In 2011 the Netherlands traded with Estonia on a limited scale. Just as in 2010, the share of Dutch imports and exports in total goods trade was a mere 0.1 percent. The value of Dutch imports from...


Few Eastern Europeans living in the Netherlands receive social security and unemployment benefits

In recent years, the number of people from Eastern European EU countries living in the Netherlands has risen rapidly, but relatively few receive social security or unemployment (WW) benefits. By the...


Netherlands fifth exporter of services in the EU

After the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain, the Netherlands was the fifth largest exporter of services in the European Union (EU) in 2009 with a value of nearly 82 billion euro.


Relatively little time needed to start a business in the Netherlands

Compared with most countries, it takes a relatively short time to start up a business in the Netherlands.


The national transfer accounts for the Netherlands-2015

As the Dutch society is aging, there is an increasing need to understand how this influences economic flows. We aim to measure and analyze the macroeconomic aspects of our aging society, by...


Youth unemployment in the Netherlands lowest in the European Union

In the first quarter of 2011, the youth unemployment rate in the Netherlands was 7.4 percent, i.e. lower than in all other member states of the European Union (EU). On average, more than one in every...


The Netherlands on the European scale

This publication compares the Netherlands with the other 26 member states of the European Union.


Figures on the investment climate in the Netherlands 2007

This publication is an English-language, abridged version of the Dutch-language publication ‘Het Nederlandse ondernemingsklimaat in cijfers 2007’ that aims at presenting an adequate account of the...


Netherlands second largest cabotage haulier in the European Union

Cabotage hauliers carried 77 million tons of goods in the European Union (EU) in 2009. Dutch hauliers accounted for 13 million tons.


Public debts of Ireland and the Netherlands rise rapidly

Public debt in the Netherlands grew by 87 billion euro to 346 billion euro last year. Government debt as a percentage of GDP has increased by 12.6 percentage points and amply exceeds the EU average...


National Landscape conservation areas cover one fifth of the Netherlands

The 20 National Landscape conservation areas in the Netherlands cover nearly 900 thousand hectares, i.e. more than 20 percent of the total Dutch land area.


Influx of unaccompanied foreign minors to the Netherlands slows down

In 2011, 500 unaccompanied foreign minors arrived in the Netherlands, i.e. 200 down from 2010. More than half were Afghan nationals.


No increase asylum seekers from Arab countries to the Netherlands

Political and social upheaval in the Arab region have lead to 7.6 thousand asylum applications in the first four months of this year in the countries of the European Union (EU), nearly twice as many...


Obesity rate in the Netherlands lower than in other OECD countries

The proportion of obese people in the Dutch population has doubled within the last two decades, but is still below the average level across the OECD countries. At the same time, health care...


Inflation in Caribbean Netherlands down again

Inflation in the Caribbean Netherlands in terms of the consumer price index (CPI) continued to fall in the first quarter of 2015. On Bonaire and St Eustatius inflation was even negative. This is the...
