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12876 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12876 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Industry; production and sales, changes and index, 2021=100

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Well-being of young adults trailing behind other age groups

Dutch 25 to 34 year-olds experience lower levels of well-being than people in other age groups.


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2023

The 2023 Annual Youth Monitor presents a broad overview of the living situation of children and young people in the Netherlands, e.g. on mental health issues, student debt, smoking and school.


Unemployment rate up

From July through September, unemployment rose by an average of 6 thousand per month.


Construction industry; productive hours in construction of buildings

Productive hours Productive hours in construction of buildings


Dutch control companies; outside and within the EU zone; Industry

Turnover, employees and the number of companies outside the EU zone over which a Dutch institutional unit has control.


Employed labour force; economic activity

Employed labour force Sex, characteristics, economic activities


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Unemployment rate remained 3.6 percent in August

In August 2023, 364 thousand people aged 15 to 74 years were unemployed. This is 3.6 percent of the labour force, just as in July.


Monthly labour participation and unemployment

Employed, unemployed and not included in labour force according to international definition by sex and age


Average retirement age of employees: 65 years and 8 months

In 2022, a total of 84 thousand employees in the Netherlands went into retirement, 12 percent less than in the previous year.


Temporary residence permits; purpose of stay and nationality

First granted residence permits, asylum and motiv Nationality


Macroeconomic scoreboard

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


Vacancies; vacancy rate, SIC 2008

Vacancy rate Economic activity SIC2008


Economic outlook deteriorates further in September

The economic climate in September 2023 is more negative than it was in August.


Manufacturing output 8 percent down in August

In August 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 8 percent lower than in August 2022.


Mobility; per trip, trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions

Distance travelled per trip, time travelled per trip trip characteristics, modes of travel and regions


Investments 7 percent up in June

In June, the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was up by 7 percent year on year.


Construction; category of purpose of new buildings, building phase, region

Building costs, region, new buildings by building phase by region, new buildings by category of purpose


98 cases of drowning in 2023

A total of 98 people resident in the Netherlands drowned in open water or in their home or garden in 2023.


HSMR 2022 Methodological Report

Methods used for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios 2019-2021


Construction; costs of buildings, building phase, type of client

Building costs, type of client, new buildings by building phase by type of client, new buildings by category of purpose


Energy from renewable sources rises to 17 percent

In 2023, renewable energy accounted for 17 percent of gross national energy consumption in the Netherlands.


CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made plans for the future based on discussions with stakeholders. The results are described in this Multi-annual Programme for 2024-2028.


Exports of goods and services by origin; National Accounts

Exports of goods and services by origin Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)
