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641 results for keyword:turnover
641 results for keyword:turnover

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Business service providers expect turnover to decrease

In June, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to decrease in the next three months outnumbered those expecting an increase.


Modest household consumption growth

In April 2010, household spending on goods and services was 0.2 percent up on April 2009. The growth was more modest than in March, when households spent 0.7 percent more than one year previously.


Retail turnover marginally lower

Dutch retailer turnover in April almost equalled the level in April 2009. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent up on one year previously.


Retail sales further down

In April 2010, retail sales were 0.2 percent down on the same period one year previously.


Decline in sales commercial vehicles slows down

In April 2010, nearly 50 thousand new commercial vehicles were sold, a decline by 9 percent relative to one year previously. The decline is less substantial than in the first two months of 2010 and...


Retail turnover higher

Dutch retailers generated over 3 percent more turnover in March than in March 2009. Turnover increased for the first time after more than a year of losses compared with the same period one year...


Fewer business services providers optimistic about future turnover

In May 2010, the number of Dutch business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months outnumbered those expecting a decrease. However, the difference was less obvious...


Retail turnover higher

Dutch retailers generated 3 percent more turnover in March than in March 2009. Turnover increased for the first time after more than a year of losses compared with the same period one year previously.


Retail turnover up in March

Dutch retailers realised 2.9 percent more turnover in March 2010 than in the same month last year.


Sale of Nuon and Essent fattens provincial coffers

Together, the financial capital of the twelve Dutch provinces amounted to nearly 4 billion euro in 2008. The sale of energy companies Nuon and Essent in the third quarter of 2009 pushed this amount...


Overall picture retail trade remains negative

The retail turnover was 4.0 percent lower in February 2010 than in the same month last year.


Retail turnover down again

In February, Dutch retailers faced a 4 percent loss of turnover relative to February 2009. Retail prices were more than 1 percent higher than one year previously. As a result, retail volume shrank by...


Turnover transport sector dramatically down in 2009

Loss of turnover in the transport sector was nearly 13 percent last year compared to 2008. Maritime transport, air transport, forwarding agents and inland shipping suffered most.


Car and motorcycle sales collapse

Last year, car and motorcycle sales were nearly 17 percent down on 2008. The sales collapse is predominantly caused by the worldwide recession and the lack of trust as shown by consumers and the...


Retail turnover further down

In January 2010 retail turnover dropped by 4.9 percent relative to January 2009. Turnover volume declined by 6.2 percent. Retail prices were raised by 1.4 percent, mainly due to higher fuel prices.


Retail turnover down by 5 percent in January

In January, Dutch retailers faced a 5 percent loss of turnover compared to January 2009.


From self-employes to employed

This article shows the results of a study of self-employed workers who made the switch tobecome paid employees. This study was a follow-up to a study on employees who startedup their own business and...


Business services monitor: fourth quarter of 2009

Turnover in the business services sector was down again in the fourth quarter of 2009 compared with twelve months previously. The fall was also larger than in the preceding quarter. Although opinions...


Turnover opticians dramatically down

Relative to the preceding year, opticians faced an average loss of turnover of 34 percent in 2009. Sales dropped most dramatically in December (63 percent) due to a change in tax regulations to the...


Retail turnover down by 3 percent

In December, Dutch retailers faced a 3 percent loss of turnover compared to December 2008, while retail prices were 1 percent higher.


Sharp drop in demand for temp workers

As a result of the economic crisis, the demand for temp agency workers in the Netherlands was substantially lower in 2009 than in the previous year. The decrease was larger than in 2003, the last...
