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5139 results for economic geographic areas
5139 results for economic geographic areas

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NWO funding for research into global well-being

How does economic growth in the Netherlands affect well-being in poorer countries in the Global South?


Economic outlook more positive again

In August 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more positive.


Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2020

Distances to and number of facilities: healthcare, retail, leisure, schools and culture per municipality, district and neighbourhood


Circularity of the Dutch economy has barely increased

Of all natural resources that were deployed in the Dutch economy in 2020, 13 percent consisted of recycled materials. This percentage is virtually the same as in 2014. In terms of recycling, the...


Inflation at 2.7 percent in May according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 2.7 percent in May.


Statistics on nature play crucial role in national and international policy

The figures published by CBS on nature in the Netherlands play an important role in all sorts of societal discussions, including the current debates on nirogen and biodiversity.


What will the Dutch population look like in 2035?

Forecast developments in population and households per municipality for the next few decades. From the triannual joint publication by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and CBS. ...



While in past decades censuses were held every ten years, under legislation currently being drafted, after 2024, the census is set to be held on an annual basis and the number of variables on which...


SEEA-EA Ecosystem Condition Account 2012-2021

An overview of the development and improvement of the Dutch SEEA EA condition account. It delves into five indicators; tree cover density, urban green, dead wood, soil organic carbon, and artificial...


CBS launches international SDG dashboard

25 September 2023 is SDG Action Day.


Inflation rate down to 3.0 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 3 percent higher in August than in the same month last year.


Overnight accommodation; guests, country of residence, type, region

Guests, overnight stays in hotels, holiday parks, groupaccommodation and on camp sites by type of accommodation, regio and country of residence


Three-quarters of Dutch adults worry about impact of climate change

Seventy-six percent of the population aged 18 or older are concerned about the impact of climate change on future generations.


Agricultural exports hit record value due to price hikes

In 2022, the Netherlands exported 122.3 billion euros worth of agricultural goods. This is over 17 percent more than in 2021. The increase in the value of agricultural exports comes from higher...


April inflation rate was 2.7 percent according to flash estimate

In its flash estimate for April, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 2.7 percent.


House Prices: new and existing dwellings price index 2020=100

Price index dwellings, price index 2020=100, price devolepment Sold dwellings, average selling price


Mortality; key figures

Mortality: key figures by sex. Including figures on infant mortality, perinatal mortality and life expectancy at birth


Economic importance of domestic exports has declined

In 2020, the Netherlands’ earnings from domestic exports accounted for 15.0 percent of GDP.


Inflation at 3.1 percent in March according to flash estimate

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 3.1 percent in March.


Consumer confidence unchanged

Consumers are as gloomy in October as they were in September, when a record low in consumer confidence was reached.


Inflation at 2.8 percent in February according to flash estimate

The inflation rate in the Netherlands stood at 2.8 percent in February, according to the flash estimate of Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Inflation rate down to 4.6 percent in July

The consumer price index (CPI) was 4.6 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


Industrial sector expects investment to rise by 30 percent

Manufacturers in the industrial sector expect to invest around 30 percent more in tangible fixed assets (such as buildings, machinery, transportation equipment or computers) in 2024 than they did in...


Agricultural nitrogen surplus higher after summer drought of 2022

In 2022, the agricultural nitrogen surplus, i.e., that part of excess nitrogen which is not fixed in animal and plant products, increased by 6.5 percent year on year to a total of 312 million kg.


CBS Chief Data Officer plays a key role in the responsible use of data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has recently appointed its first Chief Data Officer.
