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430 results for Rotterdam
430 results for Rotterdam

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Municipalities, provinces and water boards anticipate deficit of 4.1 billion euros

The total anticipated deficit of municipalities, provinces and water boards for 2013 amounts to 4.1 billion euros and is far beyond the previously agreed limit.


Domestic mineral consumption

In the Netherlands, (non-metallic) minerals are predominantly used in the construction sector.


165 murder and manslaughter victims in 2011

There were 165 victims of murder and manslaughter in the  Netherlands in 2011. That is 7 more than in 2010.


Regional airports benefit from low-cost carriers

The number of passengers departing from and arriving at regional airports has grown substantially. Last year 3.5 million passengers travelled to and from airports in the municipalities of Groningen,...


Population growth high in regions attractive for Dutch as well as foreigners

In the period 2005–2010, the Dutch population grew by 269 thousand, i.e. 1.6 percent.


House rents up 1.6 percent

The amount of rent Dutch tenants pay for their homes was 1.6 percent higher on 1 July 2010 than one year previously. This is the equivalent of an average increase of 7 euro per month. It is the...


More than 100 thousand children in youth care

In 2012, 103 thousand young people (approximately 3 percent) received youth care. Amsterdam has the highest number of children in youth care, but the highest proportion of children in youth care was...


Rented houses predominantly found in urban areas, owner-occupied houses in rural areas

Owner-occupied dwellings are predominantly found in rural areas, commuter towns and on the outskirts of the city. Rented houses and flats are mainly situated in major city centres and student...


Many businesses in Limburg engaged in international trade

In relative terms, Limburg is the most internationally-oriented province of the Netherlands.


Income support claimants in smaller towns more likely to find work

Lead: Just over 9 percent of people claiming income support in the Netherlands at the end of 2010 found a job in 2011. This percentage was highest in smaller municipalities.


Many unemployed and disabled in eastern part of the Netherlands

Municipalities where the proportion of people receiving unemployment and disability benefits was high in June 2011 are mainly found in the eastern part of the Netherlands.


Fewer minors suspected of crimes

In 2011 372 thousand crime suspects were registered. That was nearly 3 percent less than the year before.
