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12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12902 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Growth in spending on health care in the Netherlands and the OECD levelling off

The growth of spending on health care has been levelling off in recent years in the Netherlands and other OECD countries. The number of medical doctors per one thousand inhabitants is slightly below...


How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Ukraine?

How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Ukraine?


Short hospital stays, few smokers: the Netherlands versus the EU

Compared with other countries in Europe, in the Netherlands hospital admissions are relatively short: less than two days to have a baby and less than six days for an acute heart attack. The number of...


The Netherlands on the European scale

This publication compares the Netherlands with the other 26 member states of the European Union.


Food is relatively cheap in the Netherlands

Food is slightly cheaper in the Netherlands than the EU average. Cigarettes cost slightly more and alcohol slightly less than the EU average.


Figures on the investment climate in the Netherlands 2007

This publication is an English-language, abridged version of the Dutch-language publication ‘Het Nederlandse ondernemingsklimaat in cijfers 2007’ that aims at presenting an adequate account of the...


Influx of unaccompanied foreign minors to the Netherlands slows down

In 2011, 500 unaccompanied foreign minors arrived in the Netherlands, i.e. 200 down from 2010. More than half were Afghan nationals.


Relatively little time needed to start a business in the Netherlands

Compared with most countries, it takes a relatively short time to start up a business in the Netherlands.


Netherlands fifth exporter of services in the EU

After the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain, the Netherlands was the fifth largest exporter of services in the European Union (EU) in 2009 with a value of nearly 82 billion euro.


Few Eastern Europeans living in the Netherlands receive social security and unemployment benefits

In recent years, the number of people from Eastern European EU countries living in the Netherlands has risen rapidly, but relatively few receive social security or unemployment (WW) benefits. By the...


Majority of Dutch Caribbean population born on former Netherlands Antilles

The majority of the Dutch Caribbean population were born on one of the islands in the former Netherlands Antilles. In most cases, they were born on the island where they currently live or on an...


Youth unemployment in the Netherlands lowest in the European Union

In the first quarter of 2011, the youth unemployment rate in the Netherlands was 7.4 percent, i.e. lower than in all other member states of the European Union (EU). On average, more than one in every...


Netherlands second largest cabotage haulier in the European Union

Cabotage hauliers carried 77 million tons of goods in the European Union (EU) in 2009. Dutch hauliers accounted for 13 million tons.


Public debts of Ireland and the Netherlands rise rapidly

Public debt in the Netherlands grew by 87 billion euro to 346 billion euro last year. Government debt as a percentage of GDP has increased by 12.6 percentage points and amply exceeds the EU average...


Russia largest oil supplier for the Netherlands

One third of total Dutch imports of crude oil came from Russia in 2010, followed at a distance by the United Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s importance has waned in recent years.


How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Russia?

How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Russia?


Household consumption down in the Netherlands, up in adjacent countries

The sustained downturn in household consumption in the Netherlands in recent years has frustrated economic growth. Households cut back on spending because their incomes do not allow them to spend...
