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3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 128 of 145

Retail turnover 4 percent up in February

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the Dutch retail sector achieved 4 percent turnover growth in February.


Manufacturers less confident in August

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 5.4 in August, down from 6.6 in July.


Dutch manufacturers far less positive

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers has fallen considerably.


Regional economic growth 1996-2001

Volume, deflator; SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Dutch manufacturers less optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in October compared to September. The producer confidence indicator fell from 3.8 in September to 2.4 in...


more and more underage children live with one parent

Nearly 15 percent of all underage children in the Netherlands lived in a one-parent family in 2014. Families within which children grow up have changed in the last fifteen years. More 0-17-year-olds...


Private sector invariably positive

At the beginning of the second quarter, business confidence in the Dutch private sector is at the same level as in the first quarter. Over the past six quarters, the mood has been positive.


Revised: Associate-degree programme attracts mainly mbo graduates

Many first-year students in higher professional education (hbo) in the Netherlands in 2012/’11 who opted for the shorter two-year programme are graduates from senior secondary vocational education...


Number of new restructured debts further down

Last year, 12.3 thousand persons were admitted by the court to debt restructuring schemes, a decrease by 10 percent from 2012. They were mainly private individuals. After several years of growth, the...


Share corporate sector in national income up, share households down

After 2000, the share of the corporate sector in the national income has increased, but the share of households has decreased as research conducted by Statistics Netherlands shows. This is partly the...


Dutch retail sector performs poorly in European context

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector declined more than 3 percent in the first quarter of 2013 relative to the same period one year previously. The Dutch retail sector is not doing well in...


Around three-quarters of population see GP and dentist once a year

Summary: Over seven in ten people in the Dutch population see their general practitioner (GP) every year; eight in ten visit their dentist at least once a year.


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation at the end of May was about the same as at the end of April. The economic situation is still fragile, the...


Sustained increase debt management plans

The number of court-ordered debt restructuring schemes pronounced in accordance with the Act on Debt Management Natural Persons was 20 percent higher in the first half of 2010 than in the first half...


Transport sector concludes 2012 with positive result

Turnover generated by the transport sector improved by more than 2 percent in the last quarter of 2012 relative to the fourth quarter of 2011. Annual turnover over the entire year 2012 grew by 3...


Private sector invests 1.7 billion euro in vocational education

In 2006, the public sector spent 1.7 billion euro (5 percent of total spending on education and 0.3 percent of the GDP) on apprenticeship training programmes and other combinations of education and...


House Price Index by region; existing own homes; 2010 = 100 1995-2017

Price indices, number sold, changes and average purchase prices of existing own homes by region.


Retail turnover almost 6 percent up in September

Dutch retail sector achieved 5.8 percent turnover growth in September year-on-year.
