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12900 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12900 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Netherlands net exporter electricity since October 2009

Since October last year, the Netherlands is a net exporter of electricity, because in the last quarter of 2009 more electricity was exported than imported to and from the surrounding countries.


Netherlands largest supplier of chips in Europe

The Netherlands accounted for nearly one third of total European production (in euros) of frozen-potato products, making it the largest supplier of chips, potato slices and rösti in Europe, but, if...


Netherlands important provider of high-tech services

The importance of the high-tech services sector as an employment generator in the Netherlands has grown in recent years, also in comparison to other EU countries.


8.5 thousand Kosovars in the Netherlands

Just over 76 thousand first and second generation former Yugoslavs were living in the Netherlands on 1 January 2008. An estimated 11 percent of these, some 8.5 thousand, can be counted as Kosovars.


Unemployment in the Netherlands higher than in Germany

According to the international definition, the unemployment rate in the Netherlands was 6.4 percent in March, i.e. above the German rate of 5.4 percent.


Netherlands Europe's third exporting country

Recent figures by Eurostat show that last year, the Netherlands was the EU’s third exporting country after Germany and France.


Netherlands drifting further behind in R&D

In 2009, the Dutch public sector spent 0.88 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), i.e. the total value of all goods and services produced in the Netherlands, on R&D. The average for the EU 27...


Seven out of ten Caribbean Netherlands inhabitants regularly online

Three-quarters of households in the Caribbean Netherlands had internet access at home in 2013. Of the people who had used internet in the three months prior to the study, 86 percent went...


Quarter of a million east Europeans in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2009, a quarter of a million people from eastern Europe had settled in the Netherlands, nearly four times as many as during the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, twenty years...


Netherlands increasingly tied in with global trade

The Dutch economy has become more and more interwoven with global trade in the last thirty years. This means that it has become more vulnerable to declining international demand.


Nearly four out of ten babies in the Caribbean Netherlands born to a single mother

Nearly four out of ten children born in 2012 in the Caribbean Netherlands > were born to into a single parent household, usually a single mother. The same is true for live-born children in the...


Number of school dropouts down in the Netherlands and the EU

The school dropout rate in the Netherlands was reduced in recent years to 8.8 percent in 2012. The rate across the EU was also gradually reduced.


The Netherlands EU's largest producer of cocoa butter

In 2006, the Netherlands imported nearly 450 million kg of cocoa beans worth more than 550 million euro. The value of the extracted cocoa butter totalled 650 million euro.


Nearly 15 thousand lawyers in the Netherlands in 2007

In 2007, there were approximately 15 thousand lawyers in the Netherlands, nearly 4 thousand more than in 2000. The steady increase in the number of lawyers is not merely confined to the Netherlands.


Use of security software in the Netherlands highest in the EU

Dutch Internet users are spammed more often, but their PCs are less infected by computer viruses than Internet users in other countries of the European Union (EU).


Solar electricity not very popular in the Netherlands

Since the subsidy on solar electricity systems was abolished in 2003, sales of solar electricity systems on the Dutch market have plummeted. Last year, few new systems were added. Nevertheless, Dutch...


Most people in the Netherlands live within 5 km from a hospital facility

More than six in ten people in the Netherlands live within 5 km from a hospital. The Randstad region has the highest hospital density.


Growth in spending on health care in the Netherlands and the OECD levelling off

The growth of spending on health care has been levelling off in recent years in the Netherlands and other OECD countries. The number of medical doctors per one thousand inhabitants is slightly below...


Majority of Dutch Caribbean population born on former Netherlands Antilles

The majority of the Dutch Caribbean population were born on one of the islands in the former Netherlands Antilles. In most cases, they were born on the island where they currently live or on an...
