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4706 results for single proprietor business
4706 results for single proprietor business

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Net financial income

Total revenues and profits minus costs and losses of: - interest; - participations; - dividends; - loans; - investments; - other financial items.


Equipment and inventory costs

Rent and lease of machinery, equipment and computers (excluding software) and (office) furniture and equipment.


Why are there new fields in 2022?

frequently asked questions about Int. Trade in Goods


No gender gap in higher education

Nearly 31 percent of both men and women in the Netherlands have a higher professional (HBO) or university (WO) qualification.


Wholesale trade; change of stocks, index 2010=100, 2015q Q1 - 2017 Q2

Wholesale trade sector; stocks, index 2010=100 Volume of stocks: index 2010=100, change.


Technical provisions

The present value of expected future benefits and costs minus premiums and investment income. Also included are provisions for premiums receipts and for claims payments that are settled in another...


Manufacturing output down for the first time in 3 years

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.2 percent down in December 2018 compared to the same month one year previously.


Financial company quoted on the Amsterdam Stock exchange

Company that has financial intermediation as its main activity and whose shares or certificates are included officially on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (Euronext).


Purchase value not elsewhere classified

Purchase value of commodities, services etc. not elsewhere classified.


Employer-paid social insurance premiums

The part of social insurance premiums paid by employers.


Communication costs

Walkie-talkies, (mobile) phones, fax machines, Internet, e-mail, messenger services, etc.


Other social insurance costs

This category includes: - contributions to health insurance; - costs of staff relocation and housing; - costs of child care, etc.


Value added

The income formed in the production process. The value added equals the production (in basic prices) minus intermediate consumption (in purchasing prices). Value added is the income available to...


Housing costs

Including rent, lease and repair and maintenance of housing and premises, cleaning services and insurance premiums water consumption, furniture, etc.


Labour costs (in the production statistics)

In the production statistics by Statistics Netherlands the labour costs are the gross wages and salaries of employees and the social contributions payable by the employers.


Closing stock of commodities

The value on the balance sheet of commodities at the end of the period under review.


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours;(2000=100), 2000-2014

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours, Index fig. 2000=100 monthly, SIC'93


Balance of provisions

The additions to provisions minus released provisions such as run-up and reconstitution funds, maintenance reserves, guarantee provisions, etc.


Dutch Standard industrial classification (SBI 2008)

The Dutch classification of economic activities used by Statistics Netherlands since 2008 to list companies by their main activity.


Credit institutions

A legal unit that has financial mediation as its main activity, that is the acquisition, transformation and issuing of financial assets. This includes working with withdrawable money, providing loans...


Dutch Standard industrial classification (SBI) 1993

The Dutch classification of economic activities used by Statistics Netherlands since 1993 to list companies by their main activity.


Financial transactions

The changes in acquisitions and liabilities of a sector to other sectors and the rest of the world. These are often mirror images of real transactions, but they can also stand on their own (such as...


Investments over 6 percent up in July

CBS reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 6.2 percent up in July.
