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12900 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12900 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Most accidents occur in metal and construction

Metal and construction workers tend to be involved in work-related accidents more often than other occupational groups.


Employment up again

Changes in employed and unemployed labour force, October 2017


More flex workers with a migration background

People with a non-western migration background are less likely to be in paid work than those with a native Dutch background. Those who do have paid work relatively often have a flexible contract.


House prices over 7 percent higher in April

In April 2020, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average over 7.0 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Mortality in week 20 also below average among long-term care users

In week 20 (ending 17 May), the number of deaths among people receiving long-term care stood at approximately 1,030, i.e. around 150 below the number recorded over week 19.


Men and women

Number of men and women in the Netherlands


Monthly labour participation and unemployment (12-hours threshold), 2003/20

Employed, unemployed, not included in the labour force, unemployment by sex and age


Trends in the Netherlands 2017

Trends in the Netherlands 2017


Third of Polish workers still here after 5 years

In 2011, 63 thousand Poles migrated to the Netherlands to work here, 5 years 20 thousand had remained.


Employment rate virtually the same for six months

Between June and August 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 20 thousand per month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that total employment reached 8.8...


One third of Caribbean Netherlands population do not drink alcohol

A recent survey has shown that one in three people aged 15 and older in the Caribbean Netherlands did not drink alcohol during the 12 months prior to the survey. Half of women and one quarter of men...


Population growth Caribbean Netherlands as a result of immigration

On 1 January 2013, the Caribbean Netherlands was home to more than 23 thousand people. Since 1 January 2010, the population has grown by 2.4 thousand. Immigrants almost entirely account for the...


Inhabitants of the Caribbean Netherlands usually feel safe

In 2013, more than 25 per cent of the population in the Caribbean Netherlands felt sometimes unsafe. Half of the population is of the opinion that there is no crime and 40 per cent that there is...


More than half of Polish immigrants do not settle in the Netherlands

Last year, 13 thousand Poles came to the Netherlands versus 14 thousand in 2008.


Unlike the European Union, the Netherlands meets European targets for education

The proportion of school-drop-outs in the Netherlands over the period 2001-2010 was reduced from 15 to 10 percent. The reduction implies that the Netherlands complies exactly with the European...


EU target early school leavers within reach for the Netherlands

In 2008, more than 11 percent of pupils in the Netherlands left school prematurely, making it feasible for the Netherlands to comply with the target of 10 percent in 2010 set by the European Union...


Netherlands occupies prominent position in export of flowers and plants

Flowers and plants are not the most important export products, but the level of specialisation with respect to these products is high in the Netherlands.


The Netherlands exports 1.3 billion euro worth of sweets

In 2008, the value of sweets exports was nearly twice as high as its imports value. Chocolate is by far the most popular type of sweets.


Car sales in the Netherlands higher than in the neighbouring countries

Substantially more new cars were sold in the Netherlands in the third quarter of 2010 than the year before. The car sales are higher than in Germany and Belgium.
