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3361 results for nature value
3361 results for nature value

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Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in January.


Investments down after eight months of growth

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.3 percent down in June 2014 from June 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, investments in residential and non-residential property and...


CBS World Café VII - Vulnerabilities in the semiconductor supply chain

About CBS World Café VII: Vulnerabilities in the semiconductor supply chain


Costs of water management continue to rise

Water tax proceeds have risen from 1,130 million euro in 1995 to 2,165 million euro in 2009. The water tax rate has risen nearly twice as fast as the inflation rate.


Property tax up by more than 5 percent in half of all Dutch municipalities

Property tax (OZB) was raised by more than 5 percent in 227 Dutch municipalities in 2012 relative to 2011, while only 3 municipalities lowered them.


Own home main asset

In 2006, well before the credit crisis, Dutch households had assets worth a total 1,566 billion euro, most of which was accounted for by own homes. To offset these assets, the households had a total...


Strong growth in security holdings of pension funds and insurance companies

The combined security holdings of pension funds and insurance companies rose by nearly 20 percent in 2005.


Netherlands Housing Research 2012

Last year, more than 7.1 million households in the Netherlands not belonging to the institutional population were living in homes they rented or owned; 59 percent were owner-occupiers. The ratio...


Production manufacturing industry slightly higher

In the period September – October 2004 the production of Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.3 percent up on the period July – August. After a few dips production seems to recover. Turnover was 2...


Small building companies least affected by economic crisis

In the first nine months of 2012, the construction sector faced 6 percent turnover loss. The sector lost 15 percent of its turnover compared to record year 2008. Small building companies were least...


CBS World Café: 20 years of the Eurozone: did the Euro boost trade?

About CBS World Café: 20 years of the Eurozone: did the Euro boost trade?


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved slightly in May.


Investment ratio exceptionally low

In 2009, the value of fixed capital formation in the Netherlands was 19 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). The investment ratio was exceptionally low.


Financial position care-providing institutions often precarious

The financial position of care-providing institutions is often poor in comparison to educational institutions and commercial service providers. This situation has barely improved in recent years.


2.8 billion roses imported from Africa

Africa accounts for 85 percent of imported roses. Kenya and Ethiopia are the main suppliers, chiefly because Dutch rose growers have shifted their activities to these countries. The import price of...


Disposable household income further down

The disposable household income has dropped for the fourth year in a row. Adjusted for inflation, the disposable household income dropped 0.4 percent in 2011, the same as in 2010 and this was largely...


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National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.


growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years

Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...


North Sea provides a quarter of a million full-time jobs

The activities by Dutch enterprises on and around the North Sea provide jobs, directly or indirectly, to almost a quarter of a million people.
