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3361 results for nature value
3361 results for nature value

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Pessimistic mood still prevails among manufactures

In January 2010, Dutch manufacturers were somewhat more pessimistic than in December 2009. The producer confidence index fell from -8.1 to -8.3, but manufacturers were much more optimistic about...


Total amount paid in dividends substantially down

Dutch companies quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange paid out more than 10 billion euro in dividends to their shareholders in 2009, a decrease by 8 billion euro relative to 2008. Financial...


More than one million households have 'underwater' mortgages

Early 2011, 4.2 million households in the Netherlands owned the homes they lived in. In more than one million cases, the value of the house was below the mortgage debt level. Since 2008, the...


Housing costs of households; household, dwelling characteristics, '09-'15

housing costs characteristics household, characteristics dwelling


International trade in goods statistics

These figures provide an overview of the Netherlands’ goods trade with other countries. They are of great importance for determining gross domestic product (GDP).


consumers getting fewer haircuts

Dutch consumers had their hair done less often or opted for cheaper hairdressers, products or treatment in the third quarter than in the previous quarter. This is the third quarter in a row that this...


Producer confidence hardly changed

The mood among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 1.4 versus – 1.3 in December 2011, but there were some underlying changes.


Manufacturing turnover up, output down

Turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher in May 2005 than in the same month last year. Compared with May last year it was 8 percent higher.


Mood among manufacturers improving further

In April 2010, Dutch manufacturers were less pessimistic than in March 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -3.1 to -1.4, the highest level in eighteen months.


More than 4 percent socially excluded

More than 4 percent in the Dutch population aged 16 years or older were socially ostracised in 2010. This group rarely participates in social activities, hardly has access to institutions, has poorly...


Heavy share prices losses for pension funds and insurance companies

As a consequence of the credit crisis, falling share prices have resulted in continued losses for Dutch pension funds and insurance companies since the third quarter of 2007.


Consumer confidence down slightly

After correction for seasonal effect consumer confidence in the Netherlands is 3 points lower in September than it was in August. Confidence has been around -20 since July this year. This is the...


Nearly 18 billion euro paid out in dividends in 2008

Dutch companies quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange paid out nearly 18 billion euro in dividends in 2008. The total return was marginally lower than in 2007.


Netherlands drifting further behind in R&D

In 2009, the Dutch public sector spent 0.88 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), i.e. the total value of all goods and services produced in the Netherlands, on R&D. The average for the EU 27...


Drenthe's economy suffered most during recession

The economy in the province of Drenthe deteriorated most during the recession period 2008-2012, the province of North Brabant performed best in the face of the recession. The sectors manufacturing...


Available household income 3.2 percent down in 2012

Real disposable income of households in the Netherlands has fallen for the fifth year in a row: by 3.2 percent in 2012.


Economic situation improves again

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is improving further in May.
