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3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Sustained downturn retail trade sector

In the fourth quarter of 2013, retail turnover was 1.7 percent down from the last quarter of 2012. The decline is about the same as in the two preceding quarters


More pears than apples picked in 2013

Last year, for the first time ever, more pears than apples were harvested, i.e. 327 million kg of pears, versus 314 million kg of apples.


Obesity increases risk of chronic disorders

One in ten people in the Netherlands suffered from obesity in 2012. They are much more likely to develop diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, degenerative joint disease and cardiovascular disease...


Annual AWBZ deficit again exceeds 3 billion euro

The costs of long-term care provided under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ) have risen continually in recent years but revenues fell short. The deficit amounted to 3.3 billion euro in...


Dutch greenhouse gas emissions fall further

The emission of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands fell for the fourth year in a row in 2008.


One in six first-time fathers over 40

The number of fathers over the age of 40 at childbirth is growing.


Trade with Turkey expanding

Over the past five years, the value of Dutch exports of goods to Turkey has risen by 24 percent to 4.7 billion euros in 2012. Dutch investments in Turkey in fact outstripped the value of exports to...


Sharp increase in partial AOW benefits

The amount of partial AOW benefits has tripled over the past two decades.


Number of farms and market gardens reduced further

The number of agricultural and horticultural businesses was reduced further to 68.5 thousand between 1 April 2011 and 1 April 2012. Nearly 5 businesses are discontinued every day. There is a trend...


Wo bachelors require more time than hbo bachelors

In the Netherlands, students can obtain a bachelor’s degree in higher vocational education (hbo) and university (wo). Hbo students have one year extra to obtain their bachelor’s degree than...


Two students share 'Statistics Netherlands Award 2008'

Students Matthieu Brinkhuis and Jesper Tijmstra have received the ‘Statistics Netherlands Award 2008’.


Employed labour force is ageing

The average age in the employed labour force has risen further in 2011 to just over 41 versus 36 in the early 1990s. Men in their fifties for the first time outnumbered men in their thirties.


Number of civil court cases down

In 2012, Dutch civil courts dealt with nearly 1.1 million new cases, i.e. a decrease by 75 thousand relative to record year 2010. The number of summons cases declined notably.


Modest rise foreseen for 2010 local taxes in large municipalities

Revenues from municipal taxes will rise by less in large than in small and medium-sized municipalities in 2010.


Dutch women: high labour participation rate and high education level

The labour participation rate for Dutch women is the highest in the European Union (EU).


32 percent fewer building permits granted

In the third quarter of 2009, more than 15 thousand new building permits were granted, i.e. 32 percent down on the same period one year previously.


Immigration increasing again

Over 22 thousand immigrants took up residence in the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2006. This is almost 2 thousand more than in the same period of 2005.


On average, higher educated earn twice as much as lower educated

The average, annual gross income of employed people exceeded 36 thousand euro in 2009. Higher educated earned nearly twice as much as lower educated.


Nearly nine in ten over-65 households have extra incomes in addition to AOW

Altogether, 1.8 million households received old age state pensions (AOW) in 2010. Nearly nine in ten households received supplementary pensions and approximately as many generated revenues from...


Economic growth at 2.7 percent in the third quarter of 2006

The Dutch economy saw a 2.7 percent growth in the third quarter van 2006.
