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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock 1946-2015

Production, imports, exports, bunkers, consumption for transformation and final consumption of refineries, petrochemical industry and wholesale


Emissions to air, origin and destination; national accounts 1990-2013

Environmental Accounts, origin and destination emissions to air origin and destination emissions to air


SDG 4 Quality education

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 Quality education. Appropriate and accessible education is important for all age groups and in all stages of life, from nursery school and primary...


Number of employed continues to rise

Between August and October 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 20 thousand per month. Total employment stood at more than 8.8 million in October....


Tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands in 2014

The number of tourists flying into the Caribbean islands Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba in 2014 was almost the same as in 2013. Tourists arriving by boat are also an important driver for tourism on...


Bankruptcies; monthly figures by legal form and region, Jan.1993-April 2014

Pronounced bankruptcies of natural persons, enterprises and one-man businesses, divided by region.


SDG 5 Gender equality

Latest data Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 Gender equality. SDG 5 advocates equal treatment of and an equal position in society for men and women.


Unemployment at 3.9 percent for fourth month in a row

Between April and June 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 17 thousand per month. There were close to 8.8 million people in work in June. The...


Daytrips by characteristics; 90/91-06/07

Daytrips, sunbathing, swimming, sports, visit to amusement park, etc., Recreational shopping, going out


International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Partnerships for the goals. SDG 17 differs from the other SDGs in that it does not set concrete quantitative targets around one theme.


Energy; consumption and producer prices by energy commodity 1995-2017

Domestic energy consumption and producer price index for total energy commodities, natural gas, crude oil, hard coal, electricity and other


Invest.climate; macroeconomic conditions international comparison 1990-2012

Inflation, long-term interest rate, gross government debt, imports and exports related to GDP and container transport broken down by country


SDG 5 Gender equality

Latest data Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 Gender equality. SDG 5 advocates equal treatment of and an equal position in society for men and women.


Employment rate virtually the same for six months

Between June and August 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 20 thousand per month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that total employment reached 8.8...


The Digital Economy, 2007 (summary)

The digital economy 2007 (Dutch version). The English version will be published at the end of June 2008. However, the summary and conclusions of the publication are already available.


ICT use by companies broken down by sector of industry (SIC 2008), 2008

Internal and external networks, ICT applications, ADE, SCM, RFID Sector of Industry (SIC 2008)


Invest.climate;functioning of government international comparison 1990-2012

State control, online availability of public services, government effectiveness, ad hoc and sectoral state support broken down by country


Retail trade; turnover development, SIC'93, 2000 - 2008

Turnover, price and volume indices, increase and/or decrease in retail trade as a percentage (SIC'93).


CPI all households (elaborate)

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods


Pronounced bankruptcies; economic activity (SIC 2008) Jan. 1993-Apr. 2014

Pronounced bankruptcies of enterprises grouped by legal form and main economic activity (SBI 2008-classification).


Health expenditure; providers, functions, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands


Energy balance sheet; supply, transformation and consumption, 1995-2013

Energy commodities reported into petajoules (PJ) and physical units by energy consumers and balance sheet items.


Energy balance sheet; key figures, 1946-2016

Coal and products, crude oil feedstocks and products, other commodities Indigenous production, im- and exports, bunkers, stock changes
