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3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3611 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 122 of 145

Consumer spending slightly up

Consumers spending slightly up


Retail turnover almost 3 percent up in February

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the Dutch retail sector achieved 2.6 percent turnover growth in February year-on-year, while the volume of sales increased by 2 percent. Turnover grew in...


Romanians have smallest dwelling space

Romanians have the smallest dwelling space with one room per persoon. Dutch dwellings have 1.9 rooms p.p.


Statistics Netherlands launches new website

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has given its website a fresh new look


Within Europe, antibiotics use lowest in the Netherlands

Among European countries, the Netherlands prescribed the lowest volume of antibiotics (2013) while Greece prescribed the highest. Within the Netherlands, there are regional differences in the volume...


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


consumer confidence positive for the first time in 7.5 years

For the first time since the summer of 2007, the mood among Dutch consumers is positive. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose from -7 in February to + 2 in...


More social security claimants in 2014, but share young claimants stable

The number of social security claimants increased further by 22 thousand in 2014, versus an increase by 32 thousand in 2013. The share of young claimants has not changed. Statistics Netherlands...


Dutch consumers more pessimistic

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated in August. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator fell by 4 points to -6.


More students in higher education

A growing part of 18 to 25-year-olds embark on a study in higher vocational education (hbo) or university (wo). Women and young people with a non-western background are the main contributors to the...


Producer confidence substantially up

The mood among Dutch manufacturers improved substantially in October. Statistics Netherlands announced today that the producer confidence indicator rose from - 0.2 in September to 2.0 in October....


One in seven employees hindered by administrative chores

Results of the Dutch National Survey on Working Conditions carried out in the fall of 2010 by TNO and Statistics Netherlands show that over 15 percent of all employees was hindered in their work by...


Growing number of vmbo pupils move up to havo

In recent years more graduated vmbo pupils move up to havo level (higher general secondary education). At the same time, the number of havo pupils advancing to vwo level (pre-university education)...


No recovery for construction sector in 2010

While the Dutch economy is picking up, the construction sector is still performing badly. With 9 versus more than 4 percent, turnover in the construction sector slumped even more in 2010 than in 2009.


Lower greenhouse gas emissions despite cold winter

Last year, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were nearly 1 percent below the level of 2011. The cold weather conditions in winter prompted consumers to use more natural gas for home...


Government collects 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households

The average Dutch household spent 32,500 euro in 2010. Indirect taxes, for example VAT and excise duties, account for 4,320 euro, i.e. more than 13 cents of every euro spent by Dutch households.


One in six single female old age pensioners have low supplementary incomes

In 2012, nearly 2 million households received old age pensions. In 173 thousand cases, the supplementary incomes of over-65 households did not exceed 250 euros a month. Among these households were...


More immigrants from EU countries

On 1 January 2012, the population of the Netherlands totalled more than 16.7 million persons, an increase by 70 thousand from 1 January 2011.


Total amount deposited in life course schemes substantially down

Last year, the annual amount deposited in life course savings schemes was the lowest since the scheme was introduced in 2006. Employees deposited 786 million euro, i.e. a decline by 13 percent...
