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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Lower farm income due to less dairy cattle, dry summer

Agricultural income per annual work unit has declined in 2018; by nearly 11 percent relative to 2017.


Special procedures in criminal cases, 1990-2016

Financial compensations to former suspects and pardons. Compensations due to wrongful incarceration and costs of being a suspect.


Retail turnover 1.5 percent up in March

Dutch retail sector achieved 1.5 percent turnover growth in March year-on-year.


Big Data Matters 3 – The need for timely statistics

About the seminar Big Data Matters 3 – The need for timely statistics


Retail turnover 1.5 percent up in August

Retail trade turnover up


Institutional investors; investments in property 1980-2016

Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds. Direct property, indirect property.


Retail sector reports lower turnover

Retail sector reports lower turnover


Dutch manufacturers remain optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in February. The producer confidence indicator fell from 3.2 in January to 3.1 in February....


Modest growth for manufacturing output

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.5 percent up in May 2014 from May 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, the increase in May 2014 was far less substantial...


Temp agencies positive about fourth quarter 2013

The amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased in the fourth quarter of 2013 relative to the third quarter. The number of hours worked on secondment basis also grew.


Fewer people have mental health problems

The proportion of people in relatively poor mental health had dropped to 9 percent in 2008. The reduction was mainly recorded in the female population.


No further improvement in consumer confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers remained stable in June relative to May. The consumer confidence indicator remained unchanged at -2. Pessimists still outnumber optimists, though only just.


3.6 million one-person households in 2050

The number of one-person households will have mounted up to 3.6 million in 2050, an increase by 1 million compared to the current situation. Over the next two decades, the annual increase will be 30...


More than 4 percent socially excluded

More than 4 percent in the Dutch population aged 16 years or older were socially ostracised in 2010. This group rarely participates in social activities, hardly has access to institutions, has poorly...


Dutch economy contracts by 1.1 percent

The Dutch economy contracted by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011.This negative growth was realised with one working day extra. In the fourth quarter of...


Daily activities problematic for one quarter of over-75s

More than one quarter of over-75s have serious problems with one or more daily activities, e.g. go up and down the stairs or getting (un)dressed. These problems are more frequent among women than...


Economic situation remains stable

The economic situation at the end of April has hardly changed compared with the end of March. Improvements and deteriorations almost cancelled each other out. The heart of the scatter in the Business...


Accommodation and food serving; turnover, index 2010=100, 2005-2017

Accommodation, food; turnover, 2010 = 100 Naar bedrijfsactiviteit (SBI 2008).
