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1561 results for security chain
1561 results for security chain

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Data security a permanent item on the agenda of NSIs

Safe and reliable exchange of information, data, software and services between member states and Eurostat, and between member states themselves has a high priority


Labour participation of status holders stagnating

Of the status holders who obtained an asylum residence permit in 2014, 43 percent had a job by mid-2020.


Issue (securities)

The issuing of securities (stocks and bonds) by companies or government to attract new funds.


Dutch importers bore the cost of European import duties

Over the past few years, the United States and the European Union have imposed import tariffs on parts of each other’s exports in several rounds, most recently last month. The additional EU import...


Social security benefits in kind

Goods and services provided to households, based on social security legislation. These are mainly financed by premiums, and seen as government consumption rather than income transfers.


Education and labour market in the security domain

Report on employed persons in security related occupations, students enrolled in security related programmes and their labour market prospects. This study was commissioned by The Hague Security Delta.


Education and labour market in the security domain

Basic tables accompanying the report Education and labour market in the security domain.


11 percent more online purchases in first half of 2020

In the first half of 2020, 71 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and over – around 10.7 million people – purchased something online.


More buying power for Caribbean Dutch residents in 2019

In 2019, the purchasing power of the Caribbean Dutch population increased compared to the previous year.


Social security contributions

The contributions paid by employers to social security. These include imputed and actual social premiums and actual pension premiums.


Social security fraud

Receiving too much in benefits or benefits to which one is not entitled after having provided incorrect or incomplete information or after withholding information that is relevant to the...


Sector social security funds

Sub sector of the institutional sector government. This is the part of government that administers and implements the social insurance benefits. The levels are set by the government. The sub sector...


ISI Congress 2021: How statistics can help build a better world

The 63rd ISI World Statistics Congress is set to take place from 11-16 July 2021.


How resilient is the Netherlands?

On 19 May 2021 CBS published the Monitor of Well-being & Sustainable Development Goals 2021, which provides a broad description of the trends in well-being in our country.


Higher supermarket turnover than in week before Christmas

In percentage terms, the turnover increase was highest for shelf-stable products in particular, including canned goods, frozen vegetables, rice and pasta.


Security costs 780 euros per person

Spending on crime prevention and fighting crime, corruption and harassment topped 13 billion euros in 2012. This comes to 780 euros per person. Spending on security has been about the same since 2009.


Spending on security slightly down in 2014

In 2014, total spending on security in the Netherlands amounted to approximately 13 billion euros. Security expenditure increased up until 2012 inclusive but showed a slight decline after that....


Turnover security branch down

Turnover generated by the security and investigation branch in the third quarter of 2013 was down from the same period last year. Turnover declined for the second consecutive quarter.


Groningen has largest proportion of young social security claimants

By the end of 2007, the municipalities of Reiderland, Pekela and Veendam in the province of Groningen had the highest proportion of young social security claimants.


Employment opportunities social security recipients vary considerably by municipality

Nearly 30 thousand persons living on social security benefits by the end of 2009 managed to find jobs in 2010, i.e. 9 percent of social security recipients. In the category municipalities with 100...


Spending on security growing faster than GDP

Spending on security governance in the Netherlands rose by more than 6 percent per year on average in the period 2002-2008. This was nearly one and a half times the growth rate of the gross domestic...


Sharp growth number of social security recipients

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, 390 thousand under-65s received social security benefits at the end of March, i.e. an increase by 11 thousand relative to the...


Number of social security recipients continues to grow

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the number of social security recipients rose by 13 thousand to 426 thousand in the first quarter of 2014. Despite indications that the economy is picking...
