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641 results for keyword:turnover
641 results for keyword:turnover

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Business services monitor: third quarter 2010

After five quarters of decrease, turnover in business services was slightly higher in the third quarter of 2010 than twelve months previously. Business services companies were positive about the...


Large companies more sensitive to economic situation than small and medium-sized businesses

Large companies are much more sensitive to the economic situation than medium-sized and small businesses (MKB).


Business services providers slightly less optimistic

In November, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 29 percent. Optimism was tempered in...


Modest turnover growth for sector hotels and restaurants

After eight quarters of decline, higher prices in the sector hotels and restaurants accounted for a turnover growth of nearly 1 percent in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the third quarter of...


Retail turnover up

Dutch retailers generated 3.0 percent more turnover in September than one year previously.


Retail turnover up in third quarter

Dutch retailers realised 1.4 percent more turnover in the third quarter of 2010 than in the same period last year.


Car sales in the Netherlands higher than in the neighbouring countries

Substantially more new cars were sold in the Netherlands in the third quarter of 2010 than the year before. The car sales are higher than in Germany and Belgium.


Retail turnover slightly up

Dutch retailers generated 0.3 percent more turnover in August than one year previously.


Retail turnover slightly up

Dutch retailers generated 0.6 percent more turnover in August than one year previously. The shopping-day pattern in August 2010 was less favourable than in August 2009. After elimination of this...


Marginal growth retail turnover

In August 2010, retail turnover was 0.6 percent up on the same month last year. Retail prices were 1.0 percent higher, turnover volume was 0.5 percent down.


Retail turnover 1 percent higher in July

Dutch retailers generated 1 percent more turnover in July than one year previously.


Business service providers optimistic about future turnover

In September, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months largely outnumbered those anticipating a decrease. The balance of positive and negative...


Retail turnover 1 percent higher in July

Dutch retailers generated 1 percent more turnover in July than one year previously. The shopping-day pattern in July 2010 was, however, more favourable than in July 2009. After a rough correction for...


Stagnation in retail sector

July’s retail turnover was 0.9 percent up on the same month last year. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher than one year previously. Turnover volume shrank by nearly 1 percent.


Business services monitor: second quarter of 2010

Turnover growth of business services was again lower in the second quarter of 2010 compared to a year earlier. Turnover fell by less than in the first quarter. Companies providing business services...


Loss of turnover for sector hotels and restaurants

In the second quarter of 2010, the sector hotels and restaurants performed better than in the preceding five quarters. Sales dropped by 3.1 percent relative to the second quarter of 2009 and turnover...


Business service providers anticipate turnover growth

In August, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months outnumbered those expecting a decrease. The balance was + 9 in August versus - 4 in July.


Retail turnover more than 2 percent higher in June

Dutch retailers generated over 2 percent more turnover in June than one year previously. The shopping-day and holiday pattern was slightly more favourable than in June 2009, though.


Retail turnover stable in second quarter

Retail turnover was around the same level in the second quarter of 2010 as in the same period last year. This brings the period of decreasing retail turnover to an end. In the five preceding quarters...


Retail turnover down

Dutch retail turnover in May was nearly 2 percent down on May 2009.


Business service providers a bit more optimistic

In July 2010, the number of Dutch business services providers expecting turnover to decrease in the next three months outnumbered those expecting an increase. With -4 in July versus -7 in June, the...


Lower turnover in retail

In May 2010 turnover in Dutch retail was down by 0.9 percent on the same period of 2009. Volume was down by 2.1 percent, while prices increased by 1.2 percent.


Turnover fall in transport sector slows down

Turnover in the Dutch transport sector was on average 1.4 percent lower in the first quarter of 2010 than in the same quarter last year. In all four preceding quarters the fall in turnover was more...
