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508 results for keyword:businesses
508 results for keyword:businesses

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ICT, knowledge and the economy 2013

ICT, knowledge and the economy 2013 extensively describes how individuals and companies use ICT. Other aspects of the knowledge economy, such as education and research, are extensively dealt with as...


One in ten large companies relocate activities abroad

Ten percent of large companies in the Netherlands moved business activities to another country in the period 2009-2011. Lower wage costs were an important factor in this respect


Number of bankruptcies exceptionally high

In May, 796 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt. This is the highest number since the time series started, in 1981.


Negative turnover results for road transport sector

In the first quarter of 2013, turnover generated by road transport companies was 1 percent down from one year previously, whereas in 2012 turnover still improved.


Profitability Dutch private sector deteriorating

The number of Dutch non-financial companies whose profitability deteriorated has risen further in the first quarter of 2013. More than 38 percent of companies reported deterioration, more than half...


Fewer new business started up and more businesses closed down

The number of new business start-ups in 2012 was 19 thousand down from 2011 and the number of closedowns grew by nearly 11 thousand. Yet, the overall number of businesses increased for the sixth year...


Many bankruptcies

In March this year, 709 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. 50 down from February, when the number of bankruptcies was at an...


Number of bankruptcies skyrocketing

In February this year, 755 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt. This is the highest monthly number ever recorded.


Number of bankruptcies continues to rise

In January this year, 715 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt. The number of bankruptcies remains high.


Non-financial companies pay out record amount in dividends

Dutch companies quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange paid out nearly 17 billion euro in dividends to their shareholders last year. The total dividend payout is almost back at the level prior to the...


Record number of bankruptcies in 2012

An unprecedented total of 11,235 businesses and natural persons were declared bankrupt last year, an increase by 18 percent relative to 2011.


552 businesses and institutions bankrupt in December

In December 2012, 552 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, versus 581 in November.


Dutch society 2012: repercussions of the crisis

These and other facts are presented in De Nederlandse Samenleving 2012, Statistics Netherlands’ report on society in the Netherlands (available in Dutch only). The book gives a picture of prosperity...


Four in every ten businesses use social media

More than forty percent of businesses employing at least 10 persons use one or more social media accounts. Three quarters of large companies (employing 500 or more persons) use the social media for...


564 businesses and institutions bankrupt

In November, 564 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, as against 698 in October. In the first eleven months of this year, 6,804...


Internationalisation favourable for business survival

Foreign-controlled enterprises in the Netherlands have a higher rate of survival than enterprises under Dutch control. The survival rate of new Dutch businesses is greater if they immediately start...


Two thirds of the dairy farms has a successor

Nearly two thirds of the dairy farms headed by a farmer aged over 55 have a successor lined up. This means that succession in a dairy farm is twice as popular as succession in an average farm.


Most raw materials imported from Europe

The Netherlands obtains 68 percent of its raw materials from elsewhere. Two thirds of the raw materials come from European countries.


Number of bankruptcies exceptionally high

In October, 703 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 150 more than in September.


More than 550 businesses and institutions bankrupt

In September, 553 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 40 more than in August. The number of bankruptcies was also...


Growth online sales give boost to courier service providers

Turnover realised by courier service providers grew by 3 percent in the second quarter of 2012. Turnover has grown in the last few years as online sales have improved.


More employees on courses, less spent on training

Nearly four out of ten private sector employees in the Netherlands did a work-related course in 2010. Five years previously this was 34 percent. In 2010 spending on courses accounted for 2.1 percent...


More than 500 businesses bankrupt in August

In August, 507 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 220 fewer than in July.


Number of bankruptcies exceptionally high

In July, 725 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, an exceptionally high number on a monthly basis. The number of bankruptcies has...


New cars mainly bought by companies

Companies bought nearly 26 percent more new cars in the second quarter of 2012 than in the corresponding quarter of 2011. Purchases by private individuals fell by 7 percent in the second quarter of...
