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2390 results for health insurance
2390 results for health insurance

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CBS Chief Data Officer plays a key role in the responsible use of data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has recently appointed its first Chief Data Officer.


Gross fixed capital formation by type and by sector; National Accounts

Gross fixed capital formation by type and by economic sector


Government; financial balance sheet, market value, sectors

Financial transactions and balance sheet of the government. Financial instruments, assets and liabilities, stock and flows, sectors.


Well-being here and now: material well-being

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Material well-being.


Fewer deaths in 2023

The mortality figure for 2023 was 169 thousand, representing a fall of around 750 compared to 2022.


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1995-2023

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals

The results of a study into the SDGs and the circular economy, about how these different perspectives can influence each other positively or negativelyare


Over 4 million people withhold consent for organ donation

On 1 January 2024, 10.6 million people aged 18 years or older had registered their preference regarding organ donation in the national Donor Register.


Inflation up on Bonaire, down on St Eustatius and Saba

In Q4 2023, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 4.2 percent more expensive than one year previously. The inflation rate was still 1.9 percent in Q3.



The questions concerning the population in 1930 were largely the same as in previous counts. Some new questions were added regarding the distribution of academic qualifications, as CBS researchers...


Government debt; debt instruments, counterpart sector, valuation, sectors

Total government debt and debt in foreign currency. Debt instruments, counterpart sector, face- and market value, sectors.


Growth accounts; national accounts

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008)


Government Finance Statistics; key figures

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources

Well-being ‘elsewhere’: environment and resources reflects the effects of Dutch imports of resources and the environmental impact of this, particularly in the least developed countries (LDCs), for...


Consumption by type of goods and services; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


Caribbean NL; income up to social minimum benchmark, 2018 – 2019

Households (relative) - Persons (relative) - Children (relative) Caribbean Netherlands - Income treshold


Differences between consumer price figures

As of 1996, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) publishes two different inflation rates: one based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and one based on the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP).


CBS develops Green Deal dashboard to monitor climate change

In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal.


Household consumption slightly up in April

Households spent 0.3 percent more in April 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes. Again, they spent more on services but less on goods.


Proximity to facilities; distances by car, sub-municipal data 2020

Distances to and number of facilities: healthcare, retail, leisure, schools and culture per municipality, district and neighbourhood


The COVID-19 pandemic: how did it affect statistics?

On 27 February 2020, the first patient testing positive for coronavirus was reported in the Netherlands; the first COVID death was reported on 6 March.


Enterprises with innovation; key figures

Innovators, innovators with realised innovations, co-operating innovators


CBS invests in statistics on climate change impacts

Collecting climate data should be just as routine for statistical institutes around the world as collecting data on the population or the economy.


Perceived mental health: trend stable in 2020

Last year, 12 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and over had mental health complaints.


More employed and fewer unemployed in March

Over the past three months, the number of unemployed has declined by 14 thousand per month on average. As a result, it stood at 327 thousand in March 2022.
