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768 results for families
768 results for families

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More Syrian asylum seekers and following relatives

In Q3 2019, the Netherlands received 5,910 asylum seekers and 1,200 following family members.


Amusement and theme parks; visitors, staff, costs and revenues 1998 - 2018

Number of amusement and theme parks, visitors, staff, costs, revenues period, costs, revenues, visitors


Fewer asylum seekers, more following relatives in Q2

In Q2 2019, the Netherlands received 5,205 asylum seekers and 880 following family members. The number of asylum seekers was lower while the number of following relatives was higher than in Q1 2019.


Self-employed person

A person who works for his/her own account and risk. For this two perspectives are used: 1) Self-employed person (socioeconomic perspective) A person who works for his/her own account and risk - in...


Indian knowledge migration has doubled

In the period 2012-2017, immigration from India to the Netherlands more than doubled to over 8,600 annually. These are mainly knowledge migrants, with three-quarters employed in IT and information...


The labour market in a nutshell

How many people did not work and how many were officially unemployend in the 2nd quarter of 2020? CBS'Chief Economist Peter Hein van Mulligen has a short explanation about these figures.


Fewer welfare children for the first time since 2009

At the end of 2017, nearly 7 procent of all minor children were living in families on income support, 228 thousand minors. This is nearly 3 thousand less than in 2016. In most of these families, a...


The consequences of divorce studied by UvA and CBS

What are the consequences of these events for the relationships among the family members?


Fewer asylum seekers and following relatives in Q1

In Q1 2019, the Netherlands received 5,405 asylum seekers and 840 following family members. Both numbers were lower than in the preceding quarter.


Income from work

Wages and salaries of employees plus the attributed pay for self-employed people and family-members working in the family business.


Asylum and integration 2019

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2028


Labour income quote

The share of the rewards for labour in the net value added in the economy. The pay for labour includes the pay for employees plus the attributed pay for self-employed people and family-members...


Other multi-person household with children

Private household consisting of a single parent family or couple with adult children living at home, or a single parent family or couple with under age children living at home and other household...


Placed under supervision

A supervision order restricts parental authority. If the development of a child or young person is seriously threatened and the child's parents or caretakers do not (fully) accept the care neccessary...


Fewer requests for asylum submitted

In February 2016 nearly 2,500 individuals were registered as asylum seekers or as following family members.


Fewer asylum seekers compared to 2014 and 2015

In total 2,085 people registered as asylum seekers or following family members in the Netherlands in July.


Most immigrants now come from Syria

Immigration from Syria has risen since the end of 2015.


Socialisation and participation in society

Dossier page on socialisation and participation in society of migrants


Record immigration and emigration in 2017

Record number of immigrants (235 thousand) and emigrants (154 thousand) in 2017, highest net migration (81 thousand).


More asylum seekers, fewer following relatives in Q3

In Q3 2018, the number of asylum seekers and following family members was up on Q2 as well as on 2017.


Further increase in number of Turkish asylum seekers

The number of asylum seekers and following family members from Turkey rose from 185 to 330 between Q1 and Q2 2018. They represented the third largest group, after Syrians and Eritreans.


More asylum seekers, fewer following relatives in Q1

In Q1 2018, 4.2 thousand asylum seekers and 2.1 thousand following family members were registered in the Netherlands.


Stable share of female farmers

The share of women in agriculture fluctuates around one-third of the total number of persons employed in that sector.


Number of asylum seekers and relatives almost equal

The Netherlands received 16,145 first asylum requests in 2017; 14,490 following family members arrived


Donorregistration; background characteristics

Background characteristics Sex, age, origin and generation
