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774 results for discussion papers
774 results for discussion papers

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Dutch manufacturers less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has deteriorated in January 2020.


Inbound tourism in Caribbean Netherlands 2014 - 2016

This paper presents indicators about inbound tourism on Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius over the period 2014 - 2016


Measuring well-being

This paper reports on three experiments relating to measuring well-being in which several scale types have been tested.


The international road to new forms of data collection

CBS hosted two UNECE workshops in October, on data collection and statistics communication.


Mobile device login and break-off in individual surveys

the use of mobile devices, i.e. smartphones and tablets, in individual surveys in 2017.


Renewable energy; final use and avoided use fossil energy,1990-2019

Renewable energy, final use and avoided fossil energy and avoided CO2 wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy, aerothermal heat and biomass


New Quality Criteria for Integrating New Data and Methods in Statistics

This paper aims to elicit a discussion of the existence of a paradigm shift in official statistics through the emergence of new (unstructured) data sources and methods that may not adhere to...


Bootstrapping structural time series models

A resample method to compute standard errors of estimates based on a structural time series model.


Imputation of Numerical Data under Edit Restrictions

This paper discusses a new imputation method for estimating missing data.


Measuring capital in the Netherlands

At Statistics Netherlands the development of productivity statistics is addressed as a key field of interest. The recent national accounts revision at Statistics Netherlands was taken as an...


A dynamic factor model for unemployment statistics

Discussiepaper over een methode om een groot aantal hulpreeksen afkomstig uit big data bronnen te gebruiken bij het schatten van de maandelijkse werkloze beroepsbevolking.


CBS World Café X - Evaluating supply chain dependencies

CBS World Café X - Using detailed data to evaluate supply chain dependencies: How to perform it and what can we learn?


Transitivizing elementary price indices

Transitivizing elementary price indices for internet data using the cycle method


Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda

Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda


‘Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures’: reliable figures to underpin policy

In 2018, the Netherlands earned nearly 34 percent of GDP through exports of goods and services.


Construction sector leading in waste and recycling

Reuse of recycled materials contributes to the government target of realising a fully circular economy by 2050. The construction sector generated the most waste in 2016 but also used half of all...


Selectivity of Big data

Assessment of selectivity of Big data sets is generally not straightforward, if at all possible. Some approaches are proposed in this paper. It is argued that the degree to which selectivity – or its...


Cooperating with scientists and policymakers to measure the economy

Globalisation and digitisation make it increasingly difficult to measure the economy.


Sampling restricted access networks

Collecting information about the structure of random access networks


Edit rules and strategy of Consistent Table Estimation

The method of repeated weighting aims at obtaining numerical consistency among tables estimated from different surveys.


Quality management of methodology

Methodological departments of national statistical institutes should adopt formal quality certification for ISO 9001


On second-order inclusion probabilities and variances among large randomized PPS samples

This paper presents and discusses some new results on the second-order inclusion probabilities of a systematic probability proportional to size sample drawn from a randomly ordered list, also called...


An emperical evaluation of PRAM

PRAM (Post Randomization Method) is a disclosure control method for microdata, introduced in 1997. However, it has not yet been applied extensively by statistical agencies.


Stratification and price index computation

How to stratify dynamic populations of articles for price index computations.


Quality of Dutch exports in global top 5

The Netherlands is in fourth position in the global IMF ranking of export quality.
