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2649 results for corporate social responsibility
2649 results for corporate social responsibility

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Water board finances from 1936

Realised figures on revenues, expenditures and debts of water boards. Water boards levies.


SDG 15 Life on land

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...


Number of mammals up since 1995, protected species decreased after 2011

Between 1995 and 2022, Dutch populations of 35 mammal species have increased by approximately 45 percent on average.


Business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Enterprise births; enterprise deaths; enterprise population SIC 2008; legal forms


More Dutch sanction goods exports to Turkey

Due to the war in Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions against Russia, Dutch domestic goods exports to Russia have declined.


6 in 10 parents in the Caribbean Netherlands use formal childcare

Over 6 in 10 working parents in the Caribbean Netherlands with children under age 12 used formal childcare at least once every week in 2022.


Earnings and labour volume; exporting and supplying sector (SIC2008)

Labour volume, value added Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Asylum and integration 2024 – Study on asylum seekers and status holders

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2023


Caribbean NL; purchasing power development persons in private households

Purchasing power development, Persons with purchasing power decrease Caribbean Netherlands, characteristics of households en persons


A third of international graduates working in the Netherlands

One year after graduation, a third of students from the 2018/'19 academic year were living and working in the Netherlands.


Professional performing arts; capacity, performances, attendance, region

Performing arts; theatres and halls/stages, capacity, performances Region


More bankruptcies in February

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased. There were 41 more bankruptcies in February than in the previous month.


SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and clean energy. By 2030, everyone must have access to affordable, reliable and renewable energy. A reliable and adequate supply of...


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.1 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. This first part of SDG 16 focuses on making the world a safer place to live in, and...


SDG 3 Good health and well-being

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 Good health and well-being. SDG 3 aims to ensure health for people of all ages.


Natural gas, electricity; supplies national grid to construction, services

Supplies natural gas and electricity, public grid Companies, SIC 2008


More volunteers in 2022, but still below pre-COVID levels

In 2022, 41 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years or older reported having done volunteer work at least once for an organisation or association in the past twelve months.


Economic outlook more negative

The economic climate in June 2023 is more negative than it was in May.


Labour income share, economic activity

Labour income share, Labour income self-employed (imputed) Economic activities


Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Region; Periods


Supply and use by products of activity; National Accounts

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activities (CPA 2018)


SDG 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing. A large part of life takes place in and around the home. SDG 11.1 relates to suitable housing....


Welfare of persons; key figures

Personal and equivalised income, purchasing power development Sex, age and persons with low income


Employer business demography, European standard; legal form, SIC2008

Employers births; Employers deaths; Employer population Sector_branches_SIC_2008; legal forms


Wholesale trade; turnover change, index 2015=100

Wholesale trade; turnover index, 2015=100 By activity (SIC 2008).
