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430 results for Rotterdam
430 results for Rotterdam

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Property tax up by more than 5 percent in half of all Dutch municipalities

Property tax (OZB) was raised by more than 5 percent in 227 Dutch municipalities in 2012 relative to 2011, while only 3 municipalities lowered them.


People feel less unsafe

The proportion of Dutch aged 15 years and older who occasionally felt unsafe in 2011 was marginally lower than one year previously. The proportion who reported they had been victims of common crime...


Dutch inland waterway system plays important part in goods transport

Total length of the inland waterway system of the Netherlands exceeds 6 thousand kilometres. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands takes up third place after Finland and Germany.


Index figures traffic density; 2000 = 100

Index figures traffic density by most important road categories and by type of day (weekday/working day) and region


North Holland shows highest economic growth

The Dutch provinces realised economic growth in 2010 after the 2009 slump.


Bloemendaal and Wassenaar richest Dutch municipalities

Bloemendaal and Wassenaar are the two municipalities in the Netherlands with the highest per capita income. The richest municipalities are mainly located in the province North Holland, the poorest in...


Municipal revenue from dog registration fees projected at 58 million euro

Municipal revenue from dog registration fees is projected at 58 million euro. Dog registration fees are more common in large cities than in rural municipalities and more often in the western than in...


17 homeless in every 10 thousand Dutch

Early 2009, more than 17.5 thousand people aged between 18 and 65 were homeless in the Netherlands, i.e. 17 in every 10 thousand residents in this age group.


Residential property prices increased most in North Holland

In the last quarter of 2015, residential property prices in all Dutch provinces were up from one year previously. The highest increase was in the province of North Holland with 6.1 percent, partly...


One in seven underage children live in a single-parent family

The population of the Netherlands includes 3.5 million underage children. One in seven of these children live with just one parent. This proportion varies strongly between municipalities.


More than one in three guests in overnight accommodations are foreigners

Last year, more than one third of guests in Dutch hotels, guesthouses and other accommodations came from abroad, predominantly from Europe. The North Sea resorts and major cities attract most...


High proportion of benefit recipients in provinces of Limburg and Groningen

The number of people relying on social security varies widely across the Dutch provinces.


Unemployment increases most rapidly in South Holland

Last year, unemployment increased in most provinces. The most substantial unemployment growth was recorded in South Holland.


431 Dutch municipalities in 2010

On 1 January 2010, the Netherlands comprised 431 municipalities, i.e. 10 fewer than a year ago. The decline is mainly due to 5 municipal redivisions including 15 municipalities in the provinces of...


9 percent of cannabis coffee shops in the vicinity of schools

The coalition agreement stipulates that cannabis coffee shops must be located at a distance of at least 350 metres from the nearest school. Last year, 58 coffee shops in the Netherlands were located...
