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4251 results for use of medicines
4251 results for use of medicines

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Health expenditure; functions, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; functions and financing, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in August compared to the previous month.


Childcare by district in the municipality of Groningen (Dutch only)

Use of childcare provisions by district in the municipality of Groningen. Commissioned by: Municipality of Groningen


Childcare by district in the municipality of Lelystad (Dutch only)

Use of childcare provisions by district in the municipality of Lelystad. Commissioned by: Buitenhek management & consult


Childcare by neighbourhood in Amsterdam, 2010 (Dutch only)

Use of child care provisions by income and neighbourhood in 2010. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Municipality of Amsterdam


Childcare by municipality in the Netherlands, 2012 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities in the Netherlands by municipality and type of childcare. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Buitenhek Consultancy.


Childcare by district in the municipality of Lansingerland (Dutch only)

Use of childcare provisions by district in the municipality of Lansingerland. Commissioned by: Buitenhek management & consult



The capacity to perform work.


Childcare by quarter in the municipality of Amsterdam, 2011 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities by quarter and type of childcare in the municipality of Amsterdam. Results are available on request.Commissioned by: Amsterdam municipal authorities.


I cannot enter 0 in my input fields.

frequently asked questions about Int. Trade in Goods


Childcare by district in the municipality of Den Bosch (Dutch only)

Use of childcare provisions by district in the municipality of Den Bosch. Commissioned by: Buitenhek management & consult.


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved slightly in April.


Childcare by quarter in the municipality of Almere, 2012 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities by quarter, neighbourhood and type of childcare in the municipality of Almere. Results are available on request.Commissioned by: Almere municipal authorities.


Childcare by quarter in the municipality of Amsterdam, 2012 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities by quarter, neighbourhood and type of childcare in the municipality of Amsterdam. Results are available on request. Commissioned by: Amsterdam municipal authorities.


Childcare by quarter and neighbourhood in the municipality of Almere, 2011 (Dutch only)

Use of childcare facilities by quarter, neighbourhood and type of childcare in the municipality of Almere. Commissioned by: Almere municipal authorities.


Statistical methods

Outline of statistical methods used by CBS


Kerosene type jet fuel

Fuel for aeroplanes with an aviation turbine power unit.


Trade and industry; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover, other financial results Branches (SIC'93) trade and industry


Exports of services account for 10 percent of GDP

The overall value of exported services was 122 bn euros in 2015.


Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption 1919-2018

Central and decentral production, imports, exports, consumption, via national and industrial grids, grid losses.


Methods for calculating the emissions of transport in the Netherlands

This report describes the methodologies, emission factors and relevant activity data that are used to calculate the emissions of environmental pollutants from mobile sources in the Netherlands.


Health accounts; functions and financing, 2005-2013

Health accounts; functions and financing, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Invest. climate;human capital, labour supply internat. comparison 1990-2011

Tertiary education attainment, employed persons and unemployed Country
