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3359 results for nature value
3359 results for nature value

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Manufacturers expect investment to remain stable in 2010

Investment spending foreseen for 2010 is much less negative than that in 2009. Manufacturers anticipate a limited decrease of 1 percent.


Increase in online shopping among older generation

The number of people in the Netherlands making online purchases has increased further. So far in 2018, 78 percent of Dutch consumers say they have made a purchase via the Internet, as against 76...


Investments increase again

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) announced today that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets in July 2015 grew by 10 percent on July 2014. This increase is mainly due to considerably higher...


Civil engineering works; input price index 2005 = 100, 2005-2013

Price indices on the basis of 2005=100 and changes compared to 1 year previously regarding several areas of work.


Measuring commercial property prices

Is the ubiquitous vacancy of retail space reflected in its property price developments? And how have the prices of office buildings developed since the credit crisis?


Dutch consumers still pessimistic

After correction for seasonal effects, consumer confidence remained unchanged in September 2005 compared to the previous month.


Manufacturers less gloomy

In March 2010, the mood among Dutch manufacturers was less pessimistic than in February 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -5.0 to -3.1. This improvement was caused by the fact that...


Manufactures less gloomy

In February 2010, the mood among Dutch manufacturers was less pessimistic than in January 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -8.3 to -6.9.


Mood among manufacturers further down

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated further in May. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 5.0 versus – 3.3 in April.


Manufacturers more pessimistic

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in March. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 2.6 versus – 1.5 in February.


Marginal growth retail turnover

Retail turnover was 1.5 percent higher in March 2011 than in March 2010.


Population up by 100 thousand for third year in a row

The population of the Netherlands grew by an estimated 104 thousand people in 2018. The growth rate was similar to that in the past two years.


Environmental accounts; emissions to water 1995 to 2014

Emissions of heavy metals and nutrients Emissions of industries and households, different types of destination


Optimism manufacturers returns

In May 2010, Dutch manufacturers were optimistic for the first time in nearly two years. The producer confidence index stood at 0.4, up from -1.4 in April.


Producer confidence hardly changed

The mood among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in June. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 4.8, compared to – 5.0 in May.


Producer confidence soaring

Producer confidence soared in March 2011. The indicator stood at 5.8 versus 1.7 in February. As a result, producer confidence reached the highest level in three years.


Building permits at historic low

In 2013, more than 26 thousand building permits for new houses were granted, a decline by 30 percent relative to 2012. The decline over the last quarter was less substantial.


Substantial increase investments

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) announced today that the volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 22.2 percent up in June 2015 from June 2014.
