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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 119 of 145

Solar electricity not very popular in the Netherlands

Since the subsidy on solar electricity systems was abolished in 2003, sales of solar electricity systems on the Dutch market have plummeted. Last year, few new systems were added. Nevertheless, Dutch...


One quarter of young people victims of crime

Approximately one quarter of young people became victims of crime in 2012. Young men are more often victims of violent crimes than young women.


Netherlands Housing Research 2012

Last year, more than 7.1 million households in the Netherlands not belonging to the institutional population were living in homes they rented or owned; 59 percent were owner-occupiers. The ratio...


Expenditure on care growing more slowly in 2003

Dutch expenditure on care in 2003 increased by 8.4 percent to almost 57 billion euro. In 2001 and 2002 care expenditure increased by 11.4 and 11.8 percent. Expenditure on health care went up by 8.2...


Car lease rates considerably down

In the first quarter of 2008, car lease rates dropped by nearly 2 percent relative to the previous quarter.



Short survey description on Bankruptcies


Substantial exports growth

The volume of exports of goods was nearly 12 percent higher in December 2010 than twelve months previously. In November exports grew by nearly 9 percent. The volume of goods imports was 7 percent...


Social security cost 159 billion euro in 2008

In the Netherlands people entitled to benefits received 159 billion euro in social security payments in 2008. This is the equivalent of about 27 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, which is what...


Natural gas revenues reduce public deficit

The sale of natural gas is an important annual source of income for the Dutch government. Last year, revenues amounted to 12.4 billion euro. If natural gas revenues are not taken into account, the...


Many natives of Rotterdam live elsewhere

On 1 January 2004, there were 770 thousand people in the Netherlands who were born in Rotterdam. Four in ten natives of Rotterdam (302 thousand) are still living in the town where they were born, so...



Short survey description on Bankruptcies


Small building companies least affected by economic crisis

In the first nine months of 2012, the construction sector faced 6 percent turnover loss. The sector lost 15 percent of its turnover compared to record year 2008. Small building companies were least...
