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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 118 of 145

Consumer confidence slightly higher again

Dutch consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted, reached -22 in February 2005. This is 4 points higher than in January, and also the second slight increase in a row. Dutch consumers started 2005 with...


More very old people without offspring in 2050

The number of over-65s is expected to rise from 2.5 million in 2009 to 4.2 million in 2050.


Retail trade up in June

In June, turnover in the retail sector was 1.7 percent higher than in the same month in 2015.


International road haulage up for first time in years

In 2017, Dutch road hauliers carried 666 million tonnes of cargo, an increase of 1.5 percent over 2016.


Year-on-year consumer spending up

Year-on-year consumer spending up


Nearly one-quarter of Dutch prepared to donate their organs

Nearly one-quarter in the population aged 12 years and older have given explicit permission for their organs or tissues to be donated after death. More women than men have given permission for organ...


Consumers more positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has improved in August compared to July. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose by 2 points to + 6 and is back at the June level.


Consumers much more positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has improved substantially in June compared to May. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose by 4 points to + 6. This is the highest...


Sharp increase in the share of renewable energy

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands, renewable energy constituted 5.6 percent of total Dutch energy consumption in 2014. This is substantially more than the 4.8 percent of 2013...


More older people working in the Netherlands and in the EU

In 2006, 48 percent of people aged between 55 and 65 years in the Netherlands had a paid job. This is more than in 2000, when 38 percent of this group were still working.


Dutch railways used intensively

The Netherlands has one of the shortest railway networks in western Europe. Together with Belgium and the United Kingdom, it does have the largest share of multiple track railway, however.


Dutch consumers more apprehensive about the economic situation

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated marginally in September. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator fell by 1 point to -7. In the past two months,...


Fewer AOW benefits in January due to legislation change

At the end of January 2013, more than 3.1 million old age pensions were paid, i.e. nearly 12 thousand down from December 2012. On 1 January 2013, the AOW entitlement age was raised by one month.


Dutch-made yachts sell well

Turnover in the yacht building industry has increased considerably in the period 1997-2007.


One in three Dutch municipalities expect a 2.5 percent decline in population

Parts of the provinces of Groningen, Zeeland and Limburg have been declared areas of decline by the Dutch central government. Municipalities there with declining populations will be eligible for...


Expenditure on apprenticeship training programmes marginally up in 2012

Last year, certified companies providing practical experience and training spent 2.5 billion euros on apprenticeship training programmes, i.e. 37 million euros more than in 2011.


Participants distressed pension funds have higher pension claims

Active participants in pension funds which could not satisfy the minimum coverage ratio of 105 percent by the end of 2009 had build up higher claims than participants in pension funds with a...


Dutch consumer confidence index drops faster than European average

In June 2007, the Dutch – together with the Finns and the Poles – were still among Europe’s most optimistic consumers. Nine months later, optimism has largely evaporated.


Growing number of people rely on social security

The number of social security claimants has risen by 8 thousand to 434 thousand in the second quarter of 2014.


Municipal cuts on arts and culture

This year’s municipal spending on arts and culture is anticipated to total nearly 1.7 billion euros, 3.7 percent down from 2012. The per capita amount is reduced from 103 to 98 euros.
