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3200 results for wedding day
3200 results for wedding day

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Savings in groundwater and tap water use

In spite of the increase in the population, the amount of tap water used by Dutch households hardly changed in the period 1990-2009.


Number of adopted children reduced by half since 2004

Last year, 672 children were adopted by Dutch parents, approximately as many as in 2009, but considerably fewer than in record year 2004, when 1,378 children were adopted.


Employed labour force is ageing

The average age in the employed labour force has risen further in 2011 to just over 41 versus 36 in the early 1990s. Men in their fifties for the first time outnumbered men in their thirties.


ICT and Economic growth

In our present-day world, economic growth is mainly achieved through innovation and increased productivity, which puts knowledge and technology at the heart of the economic policy debate. ICT has a...


Ellen - Director of Demographic and Socioeconomic Statistics

Ellen - Director of Demographic and Socioeconomic Statistics


Smaller rise in collectively agreed wages in second quarter

Collectively negotiated wage rates were 3.0 percent higher in the second quarter of 2009 than in the same period last year. This increase is substantially smaller than the 3.7 percent rise in the...


One in eight voters vote by proxy

A huge amount of voters in the Netherlands vote by proxy. At the 2006 elections for the Dutch House of Representatives, 12 percent of voters had authorised somebody else to vote for them.


School/work combination also popular at older ages

Nearly 30 percent of students in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) combine learning and working in the apprenticeship-based learning track (bbl).


Changes to the House Price Index for existing own homes

As of January 2008, Statistics Netherlands and the Dutch Land Registry office (Kadaster) jointly publish the House Price Index for existing own homes with reference year 2005=100. At the start of...


Number of farms and market gardens reduced further

The number of agricultural and horticultural businesses was reduced further to 68.5 thousand between 1 April 2011 and 1 April 2012. Nearly 5 businesses are discontinued every day. There is a trend...


Quarter of a million east Europeans in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2009, a quarter of a million people from eastern Europe had settled in the Netherlands, nearly four times as many as during the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, twenty years...


Export growth slows down

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of exports of goods was 0.9 percent up in December 2015 from December 2014. In December, exports of transport equipment, chemical, oil and (basic)...


Manufacturing output over 7 percent up in January

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 7.1 percent up in January 2018.


Retail turnover in decline

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was 0.9 percent down in November 2013 from November 2012. Retail prices were at the same level as twelve months previously. The volume of retail sales...


Manufacturing turnover higher, output stable

In June 2005 turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry was higher than one year ago. Compared to June last year, turnover increased 5 percent, mainly due to higher selling prices.


Dutch economy shrinks considerably

The Dutch economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the third quarter compared to the preceding quarter. In the first two quarters, the Dutch economy had grown by 0.1 percent


Dutch economy shrinks by 0.9 percent in third quarter

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.9 percent in the third quarter of 2012 compared with the previous quarter. The first estimate, published on 15 November, put the decrease at 1.1 percent.


Robust growth exports in September

According to Statistics Netherlands, the volume of exports of goods was 6.4 percent up in September 2014 from September 2013. In the preceding month, exports grew by more than 1 percent. Higher...
