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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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One in six go to church or mosque on a regular basis

More than half of the Dutch population aged 18 years and older state they are members of a denomination or ideological group. In the period 2010-2011, one in six regularly attended religious services...


Market value of Dutch government bonds plummets

Investors in Dutch government bonds faced severe losses in the first quarter of 2011.


Inaugural speech Prof. Wendy Smits on flexible labour

new statistics for better mapping of the flexible labour phenomenon


Economic situation hardly changes

The economic situation is more or less the same in September compared to one month previously.


inflation rate 2014 lowest in more than 25 years

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the average inflation rate over the year 2014 was 1 percent. The price increase for products and services Dutch consumers bought last year is the smallest...


Economic situation improves further

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved further in November.


Unemployment below pre-crisis level for the first time

In the period December through February, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 13 thousand per month. The number of employed stood at more than 8.9 million at...


Nearly 13 million eligible voters on 15 March

Around 13 million Dutch residents will be entitled to vote in the general election on 15 March 2017.


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Dutch producer confidence increased from 4.7 in December to 6.0 in January.


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Blaise software developed by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

Blaise is a software platform in constant development


The Netherlands in European top 5 of 'lifelong learning'

In comparison with the rest of the EU, the Dutch are relatively active participants in ‘lifelong learning’. Training for work or leisure is more popular among highly educated and those working in...


More jobs in fourth quarter 2005

There were slightly more jobs in the fourth quarter of 2005 than in the third quarter. After corrections for seasonal effects the number of employee jobs rose by 9 thousand.


One in three disabled hold paid jobs

In 2013, 14 percent of all 15 to 64-year-olds in the Netherlands – nearly 1.6 million people – had a disability. They suffer from chronic diseases, disorders or disabilities restricting their...


Sharp decline Dutch travel spending in Turkey

Dutch travel spending in the first six months of 2016.


Agriculture accounts for over half of trade surplus

The agricultural surplus ion the trade balance 26.1 bn euros versus 47.5 bn euros for all goods.


10 percent of 18-24 year-olds who smoke are heavy smokers, one fifth of this age group are overweight

Nearly one in three 18-24 year-olds smoke, and one in five of this age group are overweight. At the same time, nearly 91 percent report their own health as good or very good.


Relatively more Turkish women and Moroccan men than native Dutch report feel depressed

Just over 10 percent of the Dutch population reported that they had felt sombre or depressed in 2012, and nearly 6 percent were prescribed anti-depressants in 2011. Feelings of depression are much...


goods transported via land and water cover less than 300 kilometres

Ninety percent of goods loaded on to road vehicles, inland vessels or trains in the Netherlands are subsequently transported across a distance of less than 300 kilometres. The shorter the road...


Fewer young crime suspects

According to the police, 262 thousand persons were once or more than once suspected of criminal activities in 2011, a decline by 20 percent relative to 2007. The crime rate fell noticeably among...


Growing confidence in the military

Last year, more than six in every ten over-15s indicated to have confidence in the military, i.e. slightly more than in 2012. People have more confidence in police and judiciary, but less confidence...


More people found work and more people looking for work

Over the past three months, unemployment declined by an average of 5 thousand a month.


Decline in unemployment sharpest for 25 to 44 year-olds

Over the past three months, unemployment among people aged 25 to 44 has declined faster than among people aged 45 and up. In August, a total of 604 thousand people were unemployed, 13 thousand fewer...
