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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 115 of 145

Sustained economic contraction

Taking into account the working-day pattern and the effects of seasonal variation, the Dutch economy shrank by 0.4 percent in the first quarter of 2013 compared to the fourth quarter of 2012.This was...


Virtually no growth retail turnover in June

Retail sales in June were almost at the same level as in June 2010. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent higher. As a result, retail volume shrank by more than 2 percent. Just as in May, turnover in...


Fewer men receive unemployment benefits

By the end of September this year, 251 thousand unemployment (WW) benefits were granted, a decline by 3 thousand relative to one year previously.


Economy in decline

Taking into account the working-day pattern and the effects of seasonal variation,the Dutch economy contracted by 0.1 percent in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the first quarter of 2013.


More and more unemployed look for a job online

At eight in ten, the share of unemployed people in the Netherlands who went through job advertisements in 2011 was about the same as in 2004. In the period 2004-2011the share of unemployed people...


Production of livestock manure and nutrients

Calculation of the level of manure production and minerals excretion by Dutch livestock.


Highly-educated young men more often unemployed than their female counterparts

Unemployment among highly-educated 25 to 35-year-old men has increased significantly after 2009. Last year, more than 6 percent of them were unemployed. The rate was nearly twice as high as among...


Retail turnover down again

Turnover in the retail trade was 2.8 percent down in November 2004 on twelve months previously. Shop prices fell by 1.4 percent in this period.


Environmental sector accounts for 109 thousand full-time jobs

In 2007, there were 109 thousand full-time jobs in the environmental sector, an increase by 25 percent relative to 1995.


Young religious people form the minority

Slightly fewer than half of all people aged between 12 and 25 responded in 2009 that they had a religious denomination. This share has fallen by 6 percent points since 1997.


Business services providers remain low-spirited

In July 2009, Dutch providers of business services were still pessimistic. On balance, 25 percent of them expect to generate a lower turnover in the next three months.


People less happy during first five years after divorce or death partner

The proportion of happy and contented people among those recently divorced or widowed is significantly below average. Newlyweds, on the other hand, are happy.
