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12893 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12893 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Mothers continue to work part-time when their children grow older

After the birth of their first child, most mothers continueworking, preferably part-time. As their children grow older, mothers rarely start working longer hours.


Getting back to work with reintegration support (third measurement, Dutch only)

Tables on benefit claimants and jobseekers not entitled to a benefit who started a job, with and without reintegration support. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW)


From benefit to work with reintegration support, third measurement (definite figures, Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on jobs started by people claiming a social security benefit or who were not entitled to a benefit but were looking for a job, with or without reintegration support.Commissioned...


Dutch youngsters often work evenings and weekends

Nearly six out of ten Dutch employees worked irregular hours in 2008. Relatively more men than women, and more young than older employees had irregular working hours.


More than one quarter of employed work from home

More than 27 percent of Dutch employed were working from home part of their regular working hours in 2010.


Fewer extra hours worked in second half of 2009

Last year, 38 percent of employees were doing overtime on a regular basis. This percentage has hardly changed in recent years and also remained stable during the economic crisis.


Pupils and students often work as shop assistant or the in catering industry

Shop assistant, shelf stacker and waitress are the most popular jobs among pupils and students. Boys most often work as shelf stackers in supermarkets, shop assistant is the most popular job among...


Further decline hours worked in stage A temp jobs

In the second quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 1.6 percent down from the first quarter. The number of hours worked in stage A temp jobs declined for the fifth...


More than one in three employees prepared to work until the age of 65

By the end of last year, more than one third of employees indicated they were ready to work until the age of 65. Considerably fewer people (only 12 percent) were prepared to continue to work beyond...


Continuous decline in amount of hours worked in temp jobs

In the first quarter of 2013, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was nearly 1.5 percent down on the fourth quarter of 2012. The number of hours worked in temp jobs declined for the...


Fewer hours worked for temp job agencies

In the third quarter of 2012, the amount of hours worked in stage A temp jobs was 4 percent down on the preceding quarter. The number of temp hours worked in temp jobs had decreased slightly in the...
