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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Growing confidence among manufacturers

Growing confidence among manufacturers


18.1 million inhabitants in 2060

According to the population forecast published today, the Dutch population will continue to grow in the coming decades, to 18.1 million inhabitants in 2060.


1 in 10 innovative firms claim world-first innovation

19 thousand Dutch companies implemented technological innovations in the period 2012-2014.


Optimism among Dutch manufacturers continues

Optimism among Dutch manufacturers continues


Dutch manufacturers more optimistic

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers improved in March.


manufacturing output prices far below last year's level

In September 2015, output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 9.1 percent down from September 2014. In August this year, prices were 8.1 percent below the level of twelve months...


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; floor area

Energy intensities services by floor area natural gas electricity services sector floor area


Raw material footprint

Between 2010 and 2016, the per capita raw material footprint (or per capita raw material consumption, RMC) fell from 11.2 tonnes to 8.1 tonnes.


selling prices manufacturing industry below last year's level

In August 2015, output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 8.1 percent down from August 2014. In July this year, prices were 5.9 percent below the level of twelve months...


year-on-year growth manufacturing output for fourth month in a row

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.6 percent up in June 2015 from the same month last year. For the fourth month in a...


year-on-year growth manufacturing output continues

According to Statistics Netherlands, the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.0 percent up in May 2015 from the same month last year. In April, output was 0.7 percent...


Net exports natural gas 25 percent down

In 2014, net export of natural gas was 25 percent below the level of 2013 and the volume of natural gas extracted in the Netherlands shrank by nearly 20 percent. Apart from 1988, the annual volume of...


Non-western first-time mothers older

In 2008, the average, first-generation, non-western woman was more than one year older when she had her first child than in 1996. The average age for native Dutch women to become first-time mothers...


Lower year-on-year selling prices in manufacturing

In April 2015, retail prices of Dutch manufactured products were 6.1 down percent from April 2014. In March this year, prices were 6.9 percent below the level of twelve months previously.


65 thousand persons labelled as missing on an annual basis

Dutch municipal authorities report 65 thousand persons as missing on an annual basis.


Mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorates marginally

The mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in August. Statistics Netherlands announced today that the producer confidence indicator fell from 1.2 in July to 0 in August. The lower confidence...


Multicultural neighbourhoods most positive about police performance

Residents of multicultural neighbourhoods are relatively positive about police performance.


Almost as many higher as lower educated Dutch

Between 2001 and 2007, the proportion of higher educated people in the Netherlands has grown across all age categories. Last year, there were about as many higher as lower educated individuals in the...


Dutch businesses more positive about employment in 2016

Dutch companies have a positive outlook for 2016. For the first time in five years, there are more companies expecting an increase in vacancies rather than reduction. In spite of a slight decline,...


More young people with a flexible employment contract

In 2012, 627 thousand young people were no longer studying but working. About 40 percent had a flexible employment contract. In 2002 this was 24 percent.


Fewer people claiming benefits

For the first time in ten years, the number of people in the Netherlands claiming a social benefit has decreased across the board.


Care-providing institutions in the red after introduction Wmo

The introduction of the Social Support Act (Wmo) in 2007 has caused more institutions providing home and elderly care to sustain losses. This applies in particular to institutions providing home help.
