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12350 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12350 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Over 70 thousand refugees in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2008 there were over 70 thousand refugees living in the Netherlands.


Youth unemployment in the Netherlands lowest in the European Union

In the first quarter of 2011, the youth unemployment rate in the Netherlands was 7.4 percent, i.e. lower than in all other member states of the European Union (EU). On average, more than one in every...


Netherlands net exporter electricity since October 2009

Since October last year, the Netherlands is a net exporter of electricity, because in the last quarter of 2009 more electricity was exported than imported to and from the surrounding countries.


Large proportion of labour migrants leave the Netherlands within four years

About 40 percent of labour migrants, who have come to the Netherlands since 1999, leave the country within four years. The lowest and top incomes are more prone to leave the Netherlands than persons...


Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire: labour force; characteristics 2010

Labour force, employed, unemployed and inactive population Bonaire by sex, age and country of birth


COEN Business Survey Netherlands

Introduction of The Business Survey Netherlands (COEN) presents the mood among Dutch entrepreneurs.


The Netherlands on the European scale

This publication compares the Netherlands with the other 26 member states of the European Union.


New method for Statistics Netherlands' unemployment figures

From 22 July onwards, Statistics Netherlands will publish unemployment figures for single months. Until now, the unemployment figure was a three-month average.


Green growth in the Netherlands 2012

In the publication Green growth in the Netherlands 2012 Statistics Netherlands analyses and describes the state of the green economy in the Netherlands. This happens on the basis of 33 indicators,...


Labour migration to the Netherlands continues to grow

In 2007, some 80 thousand non-Dutch immigrants entered the Netherlands. Finding a job was the main motive.


Unemployment in the Netherlands higher than in Germany

According to the international definition, the unemployment rate in the Netherlands was 6.4 percent in March, i.e. above the German rate of 5.4 percent.


Netherlands Europe's third exporting country

Recent figures by Eurostat show that last year, the Netherlands was the EU’s third exporting country after Germany and France.


Netherlands drifting further behind in R&D

In 2009, the Dutch public sector spent 0.88 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), i.e. the total value of all goods and services produced in the Netherlands, on R&D. The average for the EU 27...


The Netherlands has highest rate of part-timers in Europe

The Netherlands has the highest rate of part-timers within the European Union (EU). This applies to both genders.


Quarter of a million east Europeans in the Netherlands

On 1 January 2009, a quarter of a million people from eastern Europe had settled in the Netherlands, nearly four times as many as during the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, twenty years...


The Netherlands in European top 5 of 'lifelong learning'

In comparison with the rest of the EU, the Dutch are relatively active participants in ‘lifelong learning’. Training for work or leisure is more popular among highly educated and those working in...


Netherlands Housing Research 2012

Last year, more than 7.1 million households in the Netherlands not belonging to the institutional population were living in homes they rented or owned; 59 percent were owner-occupiers. The ratio...


Use of security software in the Netherlands highest in the EU

Dutch Internet users are spammed more often, but their PCs are less infected by computer viruses than Internet users in other countries of the European Union (EU).
