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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Wealthy baby boomers

Post-war baby boomers are relatively wealthy. Households, in which the main breadwinner is aged between 50 and 65, are relatively often found in the highest income brackets and more often than people...


Strong growth for temp agency branch

Partly as a result of the continuing economic growth, agencies providing temporary staff again increased their turnover substantially in 2007 compared with 2006. The increase was smaller than in 2006.


Increasing labour market participation by young people

Since 2004, the proportion of employed among non-school going young people has increased. Young people with a basic qualification benefited more from the booming economy than those without a basic...


Large companies more sensitive to economic situation than small and medium-sized businesses

Large companies are much more sensitive to the economic situation than medium-sized and small businesses (MKB).


Considerable increase youth unemployment

Unemployment in the young population is rising rapidly; from 9.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008 to 11.4 percent in the same period this year. Young people are often the first to suffer the...


Slightly better circumstances for Dutch exports

Circumstances were still unfavourable for Dutch exports in August 2009. But the situation is slightly better than in July, according to Statistics Netherlands’ new Exports radar.


Domestic mineral consumption

In the Netherlands, (non-metallic) minerals are predominantly used in the construction sector.


Green patents

The share of green technology patents in total Dutch patent applications to the European Patent Office (EPO) rose from


Privacy Audit Proof certificates Statistics Netherlands

independent audits of statistical processes


Consumer prices 1.1 percent higher than one year ago

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.1 percent higher in May 2017 than in May 2016.


Domestic metal consumption

In 2016, domestic consumption of metals was over 40 percent lower than in 2000.


Lowest population growth since 1984

The Dutch population numbered 16.3 million people on 1 January 2004, bringing population growth in 2003 to 62 thousand. This is the lowest rate of population growth in twenty years. The decrease in...


Highest economic growth rates in Flevoland and Haarlemmermeer

The economic growth rate in the Dutch province Flevoland in 2004 was substantially higher than the economic growth rate in the rest of the country. The growth rate of Haarlemmermeer was the highest...


Business survey Netherlands; region; month

What is the study about Business survey Netherlands; region; month


Inflation rate slips to 1.1 percent

The Dutch consumer price index (CPI) slipped to 1.1 percent in March.


House prices in Rotterdam above pre-crisis level

House prices in Rotterdam above pre-crisis level
