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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Consumption by type of goods and services; NA, 1969-2016

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


Low labour participation rate among lower educated women

Lower educated women are less often active on the labour market than women educated at secondary or higher level


More innovation, better education and more environmental awareness required to maintain current prosperity level

The quality of life is high in the Netherlands compared to other European countries, but it seems impossible to retain this level of prosperity in the long run.


New classification for financial and non-financial holding corporations

Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS) setting-up a joint register for financial and non-financial corporations for observation purposes.


Further recovery for exports

In February, the volume of goods exports was 11 percent up on twelve months previously versus 8 percent in January, but it should be taken into account that the substantial downturn in exports...


Greenhouse gas emissions by transport companies considerably higher than in 1990

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by Dutch transport companies have increased by nearly 80 percent since 1990. This is largely due to the increase in international transport by Dutch companies and a...


More students in higher education

A growing part of 18 to 25-year-olds embark on a study in higher vocational education (hbo) or university (wo). Women and young people with a non-western background are the main contributors to the...


Manufacturing output up in July

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3 percent up in July 2017.


Manufacturing output prices up by almost 3 percent

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products in July 2017 were almost 3 percent up year-on-year.


Measuring the internet economy of South Korea

an important contribution to the realization of IT policy and the development of the national economy in South Korea


Consumer prices 1.3 percent up in July

The Dutch consumer price index (CPI) was 1.3 percent higher in July 2017 than in July 2016.


Manufacturing prices almost 6 percent higher

Prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were almost 6 percent up in May 2017 from last year.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; floor area

Energy intensities services by floor area natural gas electricity services sector floor area


Manufacturing output also up in February

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 5 percent up in February 2017.


Manufacturers again less confident

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 8.2 in April.


Household debt slightly up

Development of household and non-financial corproration debt (Q2 2017).
