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3450 results for data visualisations
3450 results for data visualisations

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Information management as tool for standardization in statistics

We describe the role of information management in redesign programs: why it is needed, how it is at present being developed through international cooperation in the Generic Statistical Information...


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by activity 1969 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components by economic activity


Green Growth in the Netherlands

This report presents an overview of the state of green growth in the Netherlands.


CBS-ODISSEI microdata meetings

CBS-ODISSEI microdata meetings


Uncertainty analysis of mineral excretion and manure production

Since the beginning of the nineties, standard factors for manure production and nutrient excretion per livestock category have been determined by the Working group on the Uniformisation of the...


I do not see any screen where I can enter the user name and password.

frequently asked questions about Annual / Production statistics


Wat heeft het CBS gedaan rondom de Log4J-kwetsbaarheid?

Wat heeft het CBS gedaan rondom de Log4J-kwetsbaarheid?


Macro-integration: Multivariate Denton

Benchmarking is a specific type of reconciliation problem in macro-integration. It consists of reconciling systems of accounts based on different periods (e.g. quarterly versus annual accounts). This...


Interviewer training

Statistics Netherlands aims to produce high quality statistics. To do this it collects a vast amount of data on persons, households and companies. It is important that interviewers used to collect...


Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence, region '98-'11

Guests in leisure accommodations; by country of residence and region Regions; province and tourist region


SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Partnerships for the goals. SDG 17 differs from the other SDGs in that it does not set concrete quantitative targets around one theme.


Diversity in the workplace 2008 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Statistics Netherlands’ Centre for Policy Related Statistics has calculated figures on jobs and top incomes in the workplace for...


What is an RGS Bridge Statement?

frequently asked questions about RGS


How do I adjust the wage component in my contracts?

This table shows data on the development of collectively agreed (CAO) wages and contractual wage costs.


Environmental Input-Output Analyses for the Netherlands

Environmental Input-Output Analyses of greenhouse gases in the Netherlands


Daily time use

Daily time use in hours and in % participation Time use, gender


Flash estimate: export accounts for economic growth

According to the so-called flash estimate of economic growth, which is based on an incomplete set of currently available data, the Dutch economy grew 0.5 percent in the second quarter of 2014...
