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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Dutch consumers do not contribute to worldwide emission reduction of greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused to meet the economic needs of Dutch consumers were nearly 6 percent lower in 2009 than in 1996, but the total amount of global greenhouse gas emissions as a...


Growth in spending on health care in the Netherlands and the OECD levelling off

The growth of spending on health care has been levelling off in recent years in the Netherlands and other OECD countries. The number of medical doctors per one thousand inhabitants is slightly below...


Job numbers plummet

In the third quarter of 2009 there were 140 thousand jobs of employees less than in the third quarter of 2008. This is the biggest drop in over 25 years.


Particulate matter emissions caused by business activity

Between 2000 and 2016, emissions of particulate matter (PM10) caused by Dutch business activity fell by more than 41 percent, while GDP increased.


Inflation rate June stable at 0 percent

Inflation rate June stable at 0 percent


May holiday creates inflation peak

Statistics Netherlands reported today that Dutch inflation in terms of the consumer price index (CPI) rose to 1.1 percent in May, i.e. the highest level in the last 7 months. The price increase in...


Children in stepfamilies underachieve on Cito test

In 2011, children in primary school group eight had an average Cito (Dutch National Institute for Educational Measurement) score of 536. Boys and girls in high-income families scored above average....


Consumption falls more slowly

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.3 percent smaller in the first quarter of 2004 than one year previously. This decrease is less than in the last quarters of 2003. Spending on durable goods in...


Number of job vacancies still high

The number of job vacancies remained high in the fourth quarter of 2005. After correction for seasonal effects, there 169 thousand job vacancies at the end of 2005.


Calculating personal inflation

The website of Statistics Netherlands now comprises a personal inflation calculator. Everyone in the Netherlands can work out his or her personal inflation by filling in the amounts they spend on...


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GDP growth 0.7 percent in Q2 2018

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.7 percent in Q2 2018 relative to the previous quarter.


Private sector optimistic; employment expected to grow

At the beginning of Q2, the mood across the Dutch private sector remains largely positive.


CO2 emissions marginally higher in the fourth quarter

In the final quarter of 2015, emissions of CO2 in the Netherlands were 0.4 percent higher than in the same period one year previously. According to Statistics Netherlands, an important factor in...
