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3200 results for wedding day

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Industrial production and turnover higher

In September 2005 the Dutch manufacturing industry produced 1.6 percent more than in September 2004, while turnover was up by 7 percent.


Most commuters live on the outskirts of town

Many commuters live on the outskirts of town. They often live in areas situated on the fringes of their place of residence.


Household consumption up in the third quarter

The volume of domestic household consumption in the third quarter of 2004 was up by 0.6 percent on the same quarter of 2003. This increase occured mainly at the start of the quarter.


Dutch exports greatly increased

In June, the volume of goods exports was up by 14 percent on twelve months previously. This compares with the rise of more than 16 percent in May. However, in the first six months of 2009 the volume...


‘All parties benefit from an Urban Data Centre’

Governing a city means to devise and optimise new policies. We want to use data to solve problems and to work on prevention


Exports growth 6.2 percent in May

Exports growth 6.2 percent in May


Growth manufacturing output 3 percent

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 3 percent higher in July 2011 than in July 2010. Production growth was slightly higher than in June.


Substantial growth Dutch economy

The Dutch economy grew by 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same period one year previously, the most substantial increase in three years. If the working-day pattern and the...


Manufacturing turnover 19 percent up

Manufacturing turnover was 19 percent up in April 2010 on April 2009, as against 16 percent in March 2010 relative to March 2009


Marginal growth manufacturing turnover

Manufacturing turnover was 3 percent up in December 2009 on December 2008, whereas in November manufacturing turnover was 4 percent down on November 2008


Decrease in manufacturing output far less substantial

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 2 percent down in November 2009 on November 2008. The downturn is far less substantial than in October, when output was still 7 percent...


Manufacturing output 7 percent up

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent higher in June than one year previously.


Second estimate third quarter 2013: economic growth 0.2 percent

The economic growth rate in the Netherlands over the third quarter of 2013 was 0.2 percent relative to the second quarter.


Further growth manufacturing turnover

Manufacturing turnover was 11 percent up in February 2010 on February 2009, whereas in January manufacturing turnover was 7 percent up on January 2009


Retail turnover in decline

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was 2.6 percent down in December 2013 from December 2012. Retail prices were 0.4 percent up on twelve months previously. The volume of retail sales fell...


Retail turnover up 3 percent

The Dutch retail sector realised 3.1 percent more turnover in April this year than in the same month last year. Prices rose by 2 percent. The volume of sales grew by just over 1 percent.


Output growth manufacturing industry slows down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent higher in August 2011 than in August 2010.
