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1561 results for security chain
1561 results for security chain

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The importance of reliable data in times of crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has brought with it a great need for reliable data, and national statistical offices (NSOs) are playing an important role in this regard.


The Netherlands is the EU’s largest meat exporter

In 2020, the Netherlands exported 8.8 billion euros worth of meat, making it the biggest exporter of meat in the EU.


Jobs of employees; internationalisation of companies 2010-2018

Employee jobs, job volume, wage International trade in goods and services, multinationals, ownership


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Addressing complex issues with ODISSEI

This spring, the social sciences data platform ODISSEI received a grant of more than 9 million euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


CBS provides data on the use of pipelines for transport

Pipelines are becoming a key form of transport.


Imports of Digitised Products

This study provides a first reasonable experimental overview of the size of a few digitised activities in the Dutch economy. The intent behind the study is not to give a complete overview of all...


Over 6 percent less rail transport in 2020

Last year, 40 million tonnes of goods were transported by rail in the Netherlands. This is 6.2 percent less than in 2019.


CBS World Café X - Evaluating supply chain dependencies

CBS World Café X - Using detailed data to evaluate supply chain dependencies: How to perform it and what can we learn?


CBS World Café VII - Vulnerabilities in the semiconductor supply chain

About CBS World Café VII: Vulnerabilities in the semiconductor supply chain


Economic growth of 3.1 percent in Q2 2021

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.1 percent in Q2 2021 relative to the previous quarter.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Data alliance between CBS and National Rapporteur on Trafficking

Human trafficking and sexual violence against children are extremely serious crimes that have disruptive effects on the lives and well-being of victims.


Well-being stable despite coronavirus, but nature under pressure

The year 2020 was defined by the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is confirmed to have claimed 17.4 thousand lives in the Netherlands last year, and another 2.7 thousand deaths had covid-19 as probable...


Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption stock 1946-April 2021

Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock Petroleum products


Labour participation; position in the household

Labour force, unemployment, labour participation Position in household, sex, age


CBS in the starting blocks for the 2021 Census

Censuses are the oldest official statistics produced by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and they are a treasure trove of demographic and socio-economic information.


Labour productivity lower in 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak had a major impact on the Dutch economy and labour productivity in 2020. The market sector saw its productivity decrease by 1.8 percent year-on-year, by far the most drastic...


Mobile phones less often secure than computers

Mobile phone users indicate they are less likely to have security software installed on their device than computer users.


Monitoring cyber security

This monitor offers an insight into the range and number of existing cyber security issues, and what businesses and individuals are doing to counter them


CBS explores possible privacy preserving techniques

The statutory task of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is to carry out high-quality statistical research for the government sector and academia.


133 thousand security employees in 2016

Of all employed persons in 2016, 1.6 percent (133 thousand persons) were security employees.
