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700 results for savings deposits
700 results for savings deposits

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€14 bn government surplus after first three quarters

The Dutch central government realised a budget surplus of more than 14 billion euros over the first three quarters of 2019.


Manual retail price observations discontinued

Manual retail price observations discontinued


Well-being ‘later’

What is well-being ‘later’? Well-being ‘later’ concerns resources that future generations need to achieve the same level of well-being as the present generation.


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Services; employment and finance per sector, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Employment data, business returns, business costs and profits Economic sectors (SIC'93) in services


Manufacturing industry; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Industry; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Manufacture of food products, metals, electronics, machinery & chemistry


General government surplus 1.8% of GDP in mid-2019

In the first six months of 2019, the government had a budget surplus of 14 bn euros, as revenues increased more rapidly than expenditure.


Nitrogen in surface water

The total quantity of nitrogen compounds in surface water declined by 45 percent between 1990 and 2021, from 158 million kilograms of nitrogen (N) to 87 million kilograms.


Nitrogen Dossier: Introduction

By emission, we mean the release of molecules into the air, water or soil. In the case of nitrogen, this refers specifically to the emission of reactive forms, such as nitrogen oxides and ammonia,...


Energy reserves

The remaining natural gas reserves in the Netherlands have decreased by almost 54 percent since 2000.


SDG 15 Life on land

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...


SDG 15 Life on land

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980 - 2014

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


Institutional investors; short-term and long-term investments 1950 - 2012

Investments by type of investment. Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Investments of institutional investors 1996 - 2014

Total investments; breakdown in terms of percentage by type of investment Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Dutch heathland: more purple, less yellow

Dutch heaths have been changing colour in recent years. Plants that colour heathland purple, such as heather, have been increasing, while grasses that give heathland a more yellow colour, such as...


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in March 2010, the same rate as in February.


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in March, the same rate as in February.


Interest rate down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in May 2011, 0.3 of a percentage point down on April. In the previous seven...


Interest rate marginally lower

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.5 percent in October, i.e. 0.1 of a percentage point less than in September 2009.
